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  • Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
  • Pays de l'annonce: United Kingdom
  • Ville de l'annonce: Autre
  • Commune: zipcode
  • Quartier: street
  • Répertoriée 7 février 2021 16 h 56 min
  • Expires: 12977 jours, 1 hour


Hi I had a awful experience with a customer service agent on the phone my Nintendo account got hacked and they used my PayPal to buy stuff I had 0 help form them and felt like way do I have PayPal as my bank would offer better protection they guy had a tone that I felt he found it funny. So I want to contact someone as this can’t happen again


177 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui


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Paypal credit problems

Someone linked my paypal credit to another account so now I need to find out how to get my account back

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Transfer limit

How do I remove my transfer limit? I’m trying to verify my account but the four digit code I need is not showing up on […]

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If someone sends me money where will I see the balance and how can I transfer it to my bank account

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Manage automatic payment link with Facebook

I got an email with the content below. SinceI don’t want this feature, I went to follow the instructions, could’t find even “payments” under settings, […]

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hii,i have big problem with card. The bank give me wrong 4n code and i put that number 3 times,and possible i blocked. dont have […]

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paypal credit help

i was going to buy around £250 worth of items from ebay, but realised they were from different sellers so i wouldnt be elegable for […]

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Guérisseur voyant

Tu souffres de maladie, la pauvreté ou problème de foyer ? J’ai la solution à tous vos problèmes. Je fais le bedou magique, combat contre […]

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f cfa .7,000

Vêtement Femme

Description : Bienvenue chez BISOLAshopPour tout vos achats vêtement femme @bisolashop vous attend avec un prix abordable livraison disponibles merci de nous faire confiance.

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brt abidjan


brt abidjan

brt abidjan Le Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) d’Abidjan : Une révolution pour le transport urbain Abidjan s’apprête à vivre une véritable transformation de son système […]

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600 m² – Terrains à vendre

Vente de terrain dans la zone de songon agban . -terrains de 600m² à 50 mètre de la route du gouverneur de district .prix:2800000 fcfa […]

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