Paypal Invoice
- Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
- Pays de l'annonce: United Kingdom
- Ville de l'annonce: Autre
- Commune: zipcode
- Quartier: street
- Répertoriée 7 février 2021 16 h 56 min
- Expires: 12943 jours, 11 hours
recently, i sold an eticket to a buyer. she demand for deposit first before she got the eticket. i sent an invoice to the buyer asking her to complete her payment. however, she cancelled the invoice. what do i have to do with this buyer? is there any way for me to get full payment from her? is there any way to report her?
182 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui
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Can I use my phone credit to top up my Paypal account ? Solved! Go to Solution.
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Confirm receipt and buyer protection for virtual good before delivery of it...
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