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Payment Pending

  • Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
  • Pays de l'annonce: United Kingdom
  • Ville de l'annonce: Autre
  • Commune: zipcode
  • Quartier: street
  • Répertoriée 7 février 2021 16 h 56 min
  • Expires: 12947 jours, 15 hours


Hi, I buy loads of stuff off Ebay but one Transaction on Monday has PENDING and the seller has not received his money. The money has been taken from my bank account. Anyone know what’s going on? TIA Solved! Go to Solution.


161 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui


Identifiant de l'annonce : 310704794248739072

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won’t allow me to confirm my bank

I’ve received the 2 small deposits but now when I go to my Wallet and get this message: We sent 2 small deposits (less than […]

190 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


Online purchased item sent to the wrong address

Seller provided the tracking # that was not addressed to me (confirmed with the USPS). When disputed with PayPal, they continue to consider the tracking […]

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Paypal IBAN existed

Want to transfer money to my PayPal account but when i try to transfer my Bank tells me the IBAN from Paypal is existed

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i Can’t See Request Payment Button

Hi, i just registered and linked my MasterCard. im trying to receive money from my friend but it is denying. it says your recipient can’t […]

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paypal does bizzare exchange rates that INCREASE price

Shortly said: I just purchased something for 305.50 EUR (order total with shipping, from seller). I paid for it through paypal, with my EUR based […]

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Chic talon disponibles pour nos merveilleuses dames La marque , la couleur tout y est Livraison possible partout en côte d’Ivoire Style de vêtements Chaussures

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f cfa .28,000

Chaussure Homme

Description : Chaussure homme de bonne qualité pointure

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Saisir cette chance qui te fera gagner des sous gratuitement

Salut à tous. Un nouveau business rentable vous offre de l’argent en faisant simplement la publicité de son site sur les réseaux sociaux (juste 1H […]

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f cfa .1,000


solde!solde!solde! Tee-shirts, maillots,polos 1 à 1000f 10 à 5 mil Valable uniquement pour cette publication Inbox pour plus de photos merci 08039217 (whatsapp)

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f cfa .2,500

Créer Une Application Mobile Avec Ionic 2 Et Angular 2

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