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fees on donations (twitch stream)

  • Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
  • Pays de l'annonce: United Kingdom
  • Ville de l'annonce: Autre
  • Commune: zipcode
  • Quartier: street
  • Répertoriée 7 février 2021 16 h 56 min
  • Expires: 12943 jours, 3 hours


Hi, I am starting twitch streamer from Czech republic. I have a PayPal account and setup donations. But when I get donation the fee is same as the amount of donation. What does it mean? What can I do with it? (I use Streamlabs OBS)


188 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui


Identifiant de l'annonce : 746817622213750784

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This is not available right now

I can’t withdraw instant funds they said it was not working right now

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