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Cannot add / link a bank account

  • Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
  • Pays de l'annonce: United Kingdom
  • Ville de l'annonce: Autre
  • Commune: zipcode
  • Quartier: street
  • Répertoriée 7 février 2021 16 h 56 min
  • Expires: 12951 jours, 22 hours


Tried today to link a bank account to transfer funds. Wanted to send the transfer today. Went online, logged into my account, went through the steps and added the info for the new checking account. Rec’d error: We’re not able to process your request right now. Please try again later. Needing to start the transfer process TODAY, I called Cust Serv. I called twice, tried Facebook and PayPal online help. Zero help given. I was basically told something about a Security Block and have to wait 48 hours. Well, waiting 48 hours doesn’t help me. They explained one option of answering a bunch of public information » questions and maybe they could reset something but they would not guarantee that it would work. After 45 minutes arguing with a CSR and a « Supervisor » and receiving ZERO HELP I decided to give in and answer their ridiculous questions even though requiring me to do so is not in the User Agreement and is discriminatory. I was told that the time had expired for that option because the rep had triggered that system early in the call even though I had not agreed to it and now I have to wait 48 hours. PayPal is basically acting as an online bank that is refusing to release my funds via one of their provided methods. How are they continually getting away with **bleep** people over and refusing to help their customers. Backstory: I had a HORRIBLE PayPal issue in May that cost me around hundreds of dollars out of pocket and I lost a bank account that I’ve had for 7 years. I received zero help at that time also. I have to have PayPal to sell on Ebay. Funny how customer service will NEVER send you anything they explain in writing nor will they transfer you to anyone working for PayPal in the United States for clarification of any policy. « 


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