Is Terrible China Customer Service supported by Paypal?
- Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
- Pays de l'annonce: United Kingdom
- Ville de l'annonce: Autre
- Commune: zipcode
- Quartier: street
- Répertoriée 7 février 2021 16 h 56 min
- Expires: 12911 jours, 7 hours
Question for those more Paypal savvy than I am. I purchased 2 pairs of leggings off an Instagram ad, size Medium, for my size Small daughter (I went larger because the picture of them looked small) what arrived is a size Large, that she could not pull on past her thighs. Essentially and Extra Small. Upon further inspection, these came from China, although shipped from N.J. They also have a horrible chemical smell that gave my daughter and me instant headaches. The company offered me a 10% refund and told me to donate them. After many failed attempts at communicating, (language barrier) they said I can ship them back to China for over $20 (almost half of the paid value) and once they receive them, up to 30 days, they would refund me. I have zero confidence in this plan…and would then be out another $20. I escalated this to Paypal Resolution, within minutes they came back with the decision that I could upload the tracking number of my return shipment. This appeared to me that an actual person did not read through the pages and pages of communications. At any rate, was this a $50 learning experience? Is there anything more I can do? I wouldn’t be pushing this issue except that I have lost my job due to covid closure and that this really ticks me off when I had no idea I was buying from China, and the customer support sucks! Curious for feedback. Thank you.
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