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I applied for PayPal Credit and Got rejected for information not matching up

  • Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
  • Pays de l'annonce: United States
  • Ville de l'annonce: Autre
  • Commune: zipcode
  • Quartier: street
  • Répertoriée 3 février 2021 9 h 18 min
  • Expires: Cette annonce a expiré


I applied for PayPal credit and got rejected for information not matching up and I want to reapply I believe I was rejected because my last name didn’t match up to my PayPal account because I got married and no idea how to change. I am running a business and I need to have this line of credit is it possible to reapply and if it is please tell me the necessary steps to do so.


188 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui


Identifiant de l'annonce : 460601a6a649991e

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