AliExpress Purchase Coded as Cash Advance
- Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
- Pays de l'annonce: United States
- Ville de l'annonce: Autre
- Commune: zipcode
- Quartier: street
- Répertoriée 2 février 2021 1 h 54 min
- Expires: Cette annonce a expiré

I reached out to AliExpress, and they say they didn’t change their payment methods on the backend so to take it up with PayPal, who is also not taking ownership. I called my credit card’s affiliated bank (Chase) again, and the rep waived the fee for me this time–I have good credit history and have been a customer for 10 yrs so YMMV. Also, my previous call to Chase was unsuccessful so you might need to call a few times and hope to catch a nice rep. Good luck to everyone except PayPal, who NEEDS TO STEP UP WITH THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE.
I’m in the US and recently purchased an item off of AliExpress for the first time. I couldn’t find the item I was looking for elsewhere on the web, and since they had a PayPal payment option, I thought maybe it would be safe enough. I paid just shy of USD 7 for the item.
Fast forward a few days later, I noticed that the credit card affiliated my this PayPal purchase had a USD 10 transaction fee–I called my bank, and they said it’s because it was coded as a Cash Advance.
I reached out to AliExpress and they said to talk to PayPal who processed it. I filed a dispute with PayPal under « billing issue » because none of the other choices seem any better–I included a copy of my purchase receipt and a screenshot of my credit card statement showing the extraneous fee. Today PayPal just denied my name because it’s « not a billing issue ». Could someone advise what I should do? Out of principle, I do not this it’s right for me to be charged this fine because some weird billing on the back end.
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