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Annonces taguées avec 'advance' (17)


I got a cash advance fee charge $10.00?

Hello good afternoon, I got a cash advance fee $10.00 charged for I ordered from aliexpress on 11-04-2020. I world like to know why and […]

165 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


Cash Advance.

Can someone help me understand cash advance? I am wondering if I will get charged interest after I use cash advance? And how do I […]

174 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


Advance fee fraud Report

I received a couple of advance fee scam emails. One of the scammer provided me his PayPal email and excepting me to pay 200dollars for […]

201 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


PayPal Credit/Cash Advance payment question.

So apparently this was a rookie mistake. I recently made a purchase at a small sporting goods store using PayPal credit. I used the general […]

162 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


PayPal Credit/Cash Advance payment question.

So apparently this was a rookie mistake. I recently made a purchase at a small sporting goods store using PayPal credit. I used the general […]

161 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


50k annual limit to buy btc.. my question is how to lift the 50k limit.? Th...

I like to buy and sell btc using paypal.. but I cant buy anymore .the payment didnt go through says i reach the 50k […]

184 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


I got a cash advance fee charge $10.00?

Hello good afternoon, I got a cash advance fee $10.00 charged for I ordered from aliexpress on 11-04-2020. I world like to know why and […]

166 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui


AliExpress Purchase Coded as Cash Advance

RESOLVED/// I reached out to AliExpress, and they say they didn’t change their payment methods on the backend so to take it up with PayPal, […]

171 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui


Cash Advance Fees Linked to AliExpress

Hello, I have been slapped with over $100 in « cash advance fees » for using PayPal to purchase through AliExpress. Has anyone else had these issues? […]

166 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui


Cash Advance Fees Linked to AliExpress

Hello, I have been slapped with over $100 in « cash advance fees » for using PayPal to purchase through AliExpress. Has anyone else had these issues? […]

155 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui

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