Money on hold. No package. Sender can’t verify transaction.
- Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
- Pays de l'annonce: United States
- Ville de l'annonce: Autre
- Commune: zipcode
- Quartier: street
- Répertoriée 2 février 2021 3 h 34 min
- Expires: Cette annonce a expiré

How is the money sender supposed to confirm verify the transaction when they don’t have a paypal account and when there is no package being sent.
I asked my friend to send some money into my account via her visa card and also a gift card i gave her for this.
she didn’t make an account and just did it via email.
Both transactions are on Hold and are pending even though it says the money was received and Order Processed.
The transaction page says this « You have successfully updated order information. You’ll get your money within 7 days of verification. »
There is no package to confirm on her end. and when i ask her about is she says she didn’t get an email asking her to confirm the receipt.
This is freaking ridiculous, Its been 6 days and i still don’t have my money. There is no way for me to send a confirmation email either.
my only option on the page is « Add tracking info », « print shipping label » and « refund this payment »
I assume i must’ve accidentally clicked product instead of service when requesting the money. How am i supposed to remedy this?!? my rent was due on the 1st and my landlord has been very lenient but he is getting less as the days go by.
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