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Annonces taguées avec 'SET' (24)


Unable To Set Up Paypal Cash Account

Keep getting error message that says, « Something Went Wrong! » , but it doesn’t say what?? Double and triple checked info being entered – all is […]

193 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


Needing help to set up acount

Hi Please someone to help me to set up my new debit card.I dont know where to found automatic transfering to choose new debit card.Thank […]

185 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


my country of set up us different to my actual country …

Hello – hope someone can help me – I am living in Spain to play tennis so set up my pay pal with my Spanish […]

188 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


Needing help to set up acount

Hi Please someone to help me to set up my new debit card.I dont know where to found automatic transfering to choose new debit card.Thank […]

187 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


Giving a discount on an item set up to be paid on PayPal

I currently sell an item on PayPal for $20. I want to offer a discount for those attending an event and give them a discount […]

184 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


paypal set to rip us off?

Is Paypal planning in getting greedy and charging you to use your own money they get and hold with paying zero interest???

206 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


We’re sorry, we weren’t able to complete your payment or set up preappr...

We’re sorry, we weren’t able to complete your payment or set up preapproved payments at this time. Please try again later.

199 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


unkown merchert set up on my pay for 4

I looked on my activity. I have more then 1 pay for 4 orders. Only having a problem with 1. It has it paid out […]

162 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


Omnipay Paypal set store name and logo (Laravel)

How can I set the store name and logo using the Omnipay Paypal package for Laravel? Please see my code below, until now I tried […]

336 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui


A friend wants to send me money. My paypalme that I set up is not recognize...

A friend wants to send me money. My paypalme that I set up is not recognized. How to fix it

152 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui

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