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PayPal credit to buy a goods item via personal transaction?Incorrect transaction type

  • Numéro de téléphone: forum contactforum contact
  • Pays de l'annonce: United Kingdom
  • Ville de l'annonce: Autre
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  • Quartier: streetstreet
  • Répertoriée 23 janvier 2021 9 h 11 min
  • Expires: Cette annonce a expiré


Hello, Curious what’s the stipulations if I want to buy something from a private seller, a goods item, and I want to use PayPal credit? Would it be considered special financing like a cash advance? Could they offer a promo like 0% interest for x amount of months? Or not unless it’s from a business? ThanksI’ve been trying to reach support all morning to no avail so hopefully I can be assisted here. My aunt has been sending me money since December 2020 for domestic and medical use here in Kenya. Unfortunately, Paypal is recognizing these transactions as a buyer and seller type of transactions so the funds are still pending to date. I updated shipping information although it is not relevant since nothing was sold. Since some of the funds are for medical expenses it has now become urgent but even after 7 days it is still pending. How can I change the transaction type so there is no waiting period?


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