PayPal: A company to be avoided at all cost!
It is beyond amazing that any company could be so incompetent. It makes one suspect willful negligence. This is the start of the second month […]
178 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui
Refund of return shipment cost
Dispute # pp-d-55617601 has been resolved. Since the seller didn’t respond the case has been closed in my favour and sale money has been refunded. […]
201 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui
Using PayPal balance to pay shipping cost
How do I get shipping cost paid from my PayPal Balance??
167 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui
Invoicing, figuring shipping cost and payment
How can I add shipping cost to invoice? And can someone pay through Paypal that doesn’t want or have an account.
180 vues au total, 0 aujourd'hui
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