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why do generic lightning cables stop working ?

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https://www.zdnet.com › article › heres-why-your-iphone-lightning-charging-cable-only-works-one-way-and-how-to-fix-it

https://www.zdnet.com › article › heres-why-your-iphone-lightning-charging-cable-only-works-one-way-and-how-to-fix-it
Here’s why your iPhone Lightning charging cable only works one … – ZDNet
It’s corrosion on the contacts. Yes, that simple. Here’s an example. Contact corrosion Has your iPhone or iPad stopped charging? Check this first! This corrosion will initially seem permanent, and…
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https://appleinsider.com › articles › 18 › 08 › 10 › what-to-do-when-your-lightning-cable-wont-charge-your-iphone-or-ipad

https://appleinsider.com › articles › 18 › 08 › 10 › what-to-do-when-your-lightning-cable-wont-charge-your-iphone-or-ipad
What to do when your Lightning cable won’t charge your … – AppleInsider
Just being able to have that port covered over until you’re charging will stop this happening. We did say that you get no apparent warning, that one day the cable just won’t click into place and…

https://www.quora.com › Why-do-lightning-cables-stop-working?share=1

https://www.quora.com › Why-do-lightning-cables-stop-working?share=1
Why do lightning cables stop working? – Quora
The design fix for lightning cables should be easy: the cables require more durable contacts, and better reinforcement at the cable ends. This is especially important when children and elderly people are involved, as they are often unable to grip the lightning cable connector with enough force, which leads to their hand sliding off the cable and pulling the cord – causing it to break faster.

https://www.quora.com › Why-dont-most-unofficial-lightning-cables-work-well?share=1

https://www.quora.com › Why-dont-most-unofficial-lightning-cables-work-well?share=1
Why don’t most ‘unofficial’ lightning cables work well? – Quora
The design fix for lightning cables should be easy: the cables require more durable contacts, and better reinforcement at the cable ends. This is especially important when children and elderly people are involved, as they are often unable to grip the lightning cable connector with enough force, which leads to their hand sliding off the cable and pulling the cord – causing it to break faster.

https://www.reddit.com › r › apple › comments › 1l7cxl › is_it_unsafe_to_use_a_generic_lightning_cable_if

https://www.reddit.com › r › apple › comments › 1l7cxl › is_it_unsafe_to_use_a_generic_lightning_cable_if
Is it unsafe to use a generic lightning cable if you use it … – reddit
If you are just charging your phone, any cable will do fine. There’s positive, negative, and neutral pins in every cable… and they all will work the same. Obviously if the cable is of questionable quality, it may fail, but given Apple’s record with cable failure, buying official lightning cables doesn’t mean its better in the long term.

https://www.reddit.com › r › anker › comments › rqtffy › warning_4_anker_lightning_cables_stop_working_at

https://www.reddit.com › r › anker › comments › rqtffy › warning_4_anker_lightning_cables_stop_working_at
Warning: 4 Anker Lightning cables stop working at same time.
PowerLine Lightning Strengthened Construction A first for USB charging cables, the Anker PowerLine is reinforced with bulletproof aramid fiber. That makes it much stronger than conventional cables. 5X More Durable We bent this cable over 5000 times and saw no damage or change in performance.

https://forums.macrumors.com › threads › why-do-cheapy-aftermarket-charge-sync-cables-stop-working.1229952

https://forums.macrumors.com › threads › why-do-cheapy-aftermarket-charge-sync-cables-stop-working.1229952
Why do cheapy aftermarket charge/sync cables stop working?
The question should be phrased: Is there an aftermarket cable that doesnt stop working for no reason whatsoever? I think the OP wanted to know what physical traits are causing the cables to no…

https://profoundtips.com › life › why-do-generic-lightning-cables-stop-working

https://profoundtips.com › life › why-do-generic-lightning-cables-stop-working
Why do generic Lightning cables stop working? – ProfoundTips
Why do cheap Lightning cables stop working? The reasons are a combination of strain, corrosion, and — in some cases, but fewer than one might think — shoddy manufacturing. As a general rule, legitimately Apple-authorized Lightning cables don’t sell for less than $8; apart from Amazon’s cables, relatively few are less than $10.

https://www.quora.com › Why-do-my-Lightning-cables-break-every-6-weeks?share=1

https://www.quora.com › Why-do-my-Lightning-cables-break-every-6-weeks?share=1
Why do my Lightning cables break every 6 weeks? – Quora
For me, since I got the cable like 3 years back, until today it’s still working fine. Save it on a better, safer place when you put it on your bag/purse. Give some packaging to protect it. That should help. Tim Ventura Digital Marketing Executive & Tech Consultant Author has 1.1K answers and 11.7M answer views Updated 3 y Related

https://medium.com › @capalaba › why-do-iphone-lightning-cables-stop-working-4bace307eb01

https://medium.com › @capalaba › why-do-iphone-lightning-cables-stop-working-4bace307eb01
1. Check the iPhone charging port for debris, lint, or some other obstruction. Try blowing into the port to remove the obstruction. You may also use a cotton swab, toothpick or dry soft brush to…


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Nikola Tesla
Master of Lightning: A Machine to End War », sur pbs.org (consulté le 31 août 2020) (en) Nanette South Clark, « Nikola Tesla – Mr. Tesla Explains Why He Will…
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