who said customer is always right ?
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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › The_customer_is_always_righthttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › The_customer_is_always_right
The customer is always right – Wikipedia
The customer is always right is a motto or slogan which exhorts service staff to give a high priority to customer satisfaction. It was popularised by pioneering and successful retailers such as Harry Gordon Selfridge, John Wanamaker and Marshall Field. They advocated that customer complaints should be treated seriously so that customers do not feel cheated or deceived. This attitude was novel and influential when misrepresentation was rife andhttps://www.toistersolutions.com › blog › 2018 › 3 › 2 › who-first-said-the-customer-is-always-righthttps://www.toistersolutions.com › blog › 2018 › 3 › 2 › who-first-said-the-customer-is-always-right
Who First Said The Customer Is Always Right? — Jeff Toister
One contender is the famous hotelier, Cesar Ritz. He is credited with saying The customer is never wrong, in 1908. Another contender is the Chicago retailer, Marshall Field. He was quoted in The Boston Herald on September 3, 1905 as saying The customer is always right. There are two issues that call this quote into question.https://www.phrases.org.uk › meanings › the-customer-is-always-right.htmlhttps://www.phrases.org.uk › meanings › the-customer-is-always-right.html
The customer is always right – who first said that? – Phrasefinder
What we can’t do is credit them with the idea behind it. In 1908 César Ritz (1850-1918), the celebrated French hotelier is credited with saying ‘Le client n’a jamais tort’ – ‘The customer is never wrong’. That’s not the phrase that people now remember, but it can hardly be said to be any different in meaning to ‘the customer is always right’.https://www.forbes.com › sites › blakemorgan › 2018 › 09 › 24 › a-global-view-of-the-customer-is-always-righthttps://www.forbes.com › sites › blakemorgan › 2018 › 09 › 24 › a-global-view-of-the-customer-is-always-right
A Global View Of ‘The Customer Is Always Right’ – Forbes
24 sept. 2018The customer is always right is a phrase pioneered by Harry Gordon Selfridge, John Wanamaker and Marshall Field. These men were successful retailers and learned early in their careers that…https://quoteinvestigator.com › 2015 › 10 › 06 › customerhttps://quoteinvestigator.com › 2015 › 10 › 06 › customer
The Customer Is Always Right – Quote Investigator
Field, it is well known, was the first to say, The customer is always right, It was Potter Palmer, Field’s predecessor and for a time his partner, who had originated the practice of accepting returns from any customer who was not satisfied, and refunding the purchase price. This made the customer the sole judge whether he should keep the merchandise. Field’s policy went a long step farther and made the customer the sole judge, or practically the sole judge, of all issues …https://www.zendesk.com › blog › the-customer-is-always-righthttps://www.zendesk.com › blog › the-customer-is-always-right
5 reasons why the customer is always right in 2022 – Zendesk
Origin of the customer is always right ‘The customer is always right’ is a popular phrase attributed to a variety of turn-of-the-century American retail pioneers. However, as customer experience futurist Blake Morgan writes in Forbes, the idea has correlaries around the world. For example, Swiss hotelier Cesar Ritz, the founder of Ritz Carlton hotels, was using the slogan ‘Le client n’a jamais tort’ (‘the customer is never wrong’) as early as the 1890s.https://medium.com › illumination › the-customer-is-always-right-who-the-hell-said-that-1f29317e1e40https://medium.com › illumination › the-customer-is-always-right-who-the-hell-said-that-1f29317e1e40
The customer is always right…who said that? | ILLUMINATION
I know it’s wrong, the good should outtake the bad, always, but that’s easier said than done. During these 3 and a half years, I had a lot of clients say to me The customer is always…https://www.momentcrm.com › blog › the-customer-is-always-righthttps://www.momentcrm.com › blog › the-customer-is-always-right
The Customer is Always Right: A 2020 Analysis | Moment
The Origin of The Customer is Always Right The origins of this phrase date back to the 1900s. The phrase is currently credited to Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founders of a department store in London. The point of this rule was to advocate for giving weight to customer complaints and feedback.https://www.redandblackbanter.com › who-said-customers-always-right-2655316706.htmlhttps://www.redandblackbanter.com › who-said-customers-always-right-2655316706.html
Who Said The Customer Is Always Right? – Red and Black
BANTER BITE BACKSTORY: We grew up hearing the expression the customer is always right, and Red certainly agreed with it; and while Black understood the customer service aspect of it, she did question its impact on employees (why would you automatically side with a customer over an employee without knowing the details). And that was before the pandemic changed everything, but especially customer behavior.https://www.projectmanager.com › training › customer-is-always-righthttps://www.projectmanager.com › training › customer-is-always-right
Why The Customer Is Always Right Is Wrong – ProjectManager
Their mantra was, The customer is always right and everyone is a customer. This included everyone from the boss to suppliers, peers, vendors, her team and external customers. As you can imagine, such a situation can be confusing, dubious, difficult, or maybe even motivational—but certainly complicated. When is the Customer Wrong or Right?Aide pour la recherche
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