qui a dit mon seul rival c’est tintin » ?
- Répertoriée 27 octobre 2021 3h24
- Expires: 9255 jours, 11 hours
qui a dit mon seul rival c’est tintin » ?
Title: Mon seul rival international, c’est Tintin: De Gaulle’s Unexpected Rival
Have you ever heard of the statement, « Mon seul rival international, c’est Tintin »? If not, you are about to discover the interesting story behind this famous quote from Charles de Gaulle, a French statesman and general who played a significant role in World War II. Let’s explore the context of this quote and its impact on both politics and pop culture, particularly in relation to the beloved Belgian comics character, Tintin.
Context of the Quote:
The quote, « Mon seul rival international, c’est Tintin » (My only international rival is Tintin), was made by Charles de Gaulle in a conversation with André Malraux, a French novelist, art theorist, and statesman. While the exact date of this conversation is not explicitly stated, it is speculated that this took place in the mid-1960s during de Gaulle’s presidency.
At the time, de Gaulle was referring to the increasing influence of the United States on French politics, economy, and culture. His comment about Tintin was meant as a humorous way to express his frustration and convey the idea that even Tintin, an imaginary character, could be considered a prominent competitor in the international arena compared to the dominating presence of the U.S.
Significance of the Quote:
The quote gained considerable attention due to de Gaulle’s playful dismissal of the United States as a political rival, while elevating the status of Tintin, a beloved comic book character popular across the world. It highlights de Gaulle’s wit, ability to use humor, and his complex relationship with the U.S. during his presidency.
The quote’s impact went beyond the political sphere, captivating both Tintin fans and the general public alike. It became a symbol of the significance and far-reaching influence of the legendary comics character and de Gaulle’s unconventional sense of humor.
Tintin’s Rise to Prominence:
Tintin, created by Belgian cartoonist Hergé, first appeared in 1929. Since then, the young journalist’s adventures have been translated into more than 70 languages and have sold over 230 million copies worldwide. The popular series includes many colorful characters, such as the grumpy Captain Haddock, the intelligent Snowy the dog, and eccentric Professor Calculus.
With the recent resurgence of interest in Tintin through Steven Spielberg’s and Peter Jackson’s The Adventures of Tintin (2011) and its continued presence in the contemporary cultural landscape, de Gaulle’s statement about Tintin being his only international rival remains relevant and often quoted.
The statement « Mon seul rival international, c’est Tintin » by Charles de Gaulle was a witty and memorable retort from a prominent and influential political figure. The lighthearted comment about the fictional Tintin gave de Gaulle a unique way of expressing his thoughts about the dominance of the U.S., while connecting with the general public’s love for the classic comics character. It continues to symbolize the significant influence and global presence of Tintin and the continued interplay between the spheres of politics and pop culture.
1. Dictionnaire des citations – Mon seul rival international, c’est Tintin (
2. Mon seul rival international, c’est Tintin – L’Orient-Le Jour (
3. Le Général De Gaulle – France Culture (
4. Mon seul rival, c’est Tintin ! – La Libre (
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