quand faut-il payer les frais d’agence ?
- Répertoriée 30 octobre 2021 2h23
- Expires: 9252 jours, 13 hours
quand faut-il payer les frais d’agence ?
When selling a property, the payment of agency fees is an important consideration. Here is a structured summary of the key points:
1. **Mandate Agreement**: The seller signs a mandate with the real estate agency, which outlines the terms, including who is responsible for the fees. Typically, the seller is responsible for these fees.
2. **Timing of Payment**: The agency fees are generally due after the sale is finalized. This occurs once the property has been sold and the acte authentique (notarial deed) is signed.
3. **Role of the Notary**: The notary often facilitates the payment of these fees, handling the transfer as part of the transaction’s legal process.
4. **Buyer’s Contribution**: In some cases, the seller may include the fees in the sale price, effectively making the buyer cover them. However, the seller remains ultimately responsible.
5. **Contingencies**: Even if the sale falls through after the contract is signed, the seller may still be liable for the fees, as the agency has already invested effort in the process.
6. **Negotiable Rates**: The fee rate can sometimes be negotiated with the agency, but the timing of payment remains tied to the sale’s completion.
In conclusion, the seller typically pays the agency fees after the sale is finalized, with the notary handling the transaction. The buyer may cover the fees if included in the sale price, but the seller remains responsible. Consulting legal documents or professionals is advisable for specific cases.
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