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qu est ce que les sagas islandaises ?

  • Répertoriée 27 octobre 2021 2h34
  • Expires: 9250 jours, 7 hours


qu est ce que les sagas islandaises ?

**What are the Icelandic Sagas?**

In the world of literature, there are many types of stories that have captivated readers for centuries. But have you ever heard of the Icelandic Sagas? These ancient tales are a unique blend of history, mythology, and adventure that have been captivating readers and audiences for centuries. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Icelandic Sagas, exploring what they are, why they’re important, and what makes them so fascinating.

**What are the Icelandic Sagas?**

The Icelandic Sagas are medieval Icelandic stories that date back to the 12th and 13th centuries. These stories are written in prose, making them distinct from other forms of literature. The Sagas are a unique blend of history, mythology, and adventure, telling the stories of Viking-era Icelanders. The stories vary in length, but most are between 20,000 and 50,000 words.

**Origins of the Icelandic Sagas**

The origins of the Icelandic Sagas are shrouded in mystery. However, it’s believed that the stories were passed down orally before being written down. The first Icelandic Sagas were likely written around the 12th century, but it’s possible that oral traditions of the stories date back even further.

**Characteristics of the Icelandic Sagas**

So, what makes the Icelandic Sagas so unique? Here are some key characteristics:

1. **Prose**: The Sagas are written in prose, making them distinct from other forms of literature such as poetry or verse.
2. **Historical context**: The Sagas are set against the backdrop of medieval Iceland, providing a unique historical perspective.
3. **Mythology**: The Sagas draw on Norse mythology, featuring gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures like trolls and giants.
4. **Adventure and drama**: The Sagas are filled with action, drama, and adventure, making them thrilling reads.
5. **Family values**: The Sagas emphasize the importance of family, honor, and social status.

**Popular Icelandic Sagas**

Some of the most famous Icelandic Sagas include:

1. **The Story of Sturlung**: This Saga tells the tale of the powerful Sturlung family and their struggles for power.
2. **The Laxdaela Saga**: This Saga is a family drama that explores the struggles of the Laxdale family.
3. **The Njál’s Saga**: This Saga is a tragic tale of love, betrayal, and revenge.


The Icelandic Sagas are a unique and captivating form of literature that offers a glimpse into medieval Iceland. These stories have been entertaining and educating readers for centuries, and continue to do so today. Whether you’re interested in history, mythology, or adventure, the Icelandic Sagas have something to offer. So, come and join us on this journey into the world of the Icelandic Sagas!


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qu est ce que les sagas islandaises ?

qu est ce que les sagas islandaises ? **What are the Icelandic Sagas?** In the world of literature, there are many types of stories that […]

165 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui