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comment utiliser because of en anglais ?

  • Répertoriée 3 novembre 2021 13h40
  • Expires: 9253 jours, 19 hours


comment utiliser because of en anglais ?

## Master the Art of « Because of » in English: Making your writing strong and clear

Have you ever struggled to express the reasons behind something in English? Do you find yourself caught between « because » and « because of »?

Like a secret language code, mastering these prepositions can be tricky. But fear not, dear reader! Today, we’ll crack the code and unveil the mysteries of « because of » allowing you to write with clarity and precision.

**Understanding the Difference: Because vs. Because of**

While both « because » and « because of » signal a cause-and-effect relationship, they function differently.

* ** »Because »** acts as a conjunction, connecting two clauses. It needs a subject and a verb to follow.
* **Example:** I stayed home **because** I was sick.

* ** »Because of »** acts as a preposition, leading to a noun or a verb-ing phrase.
* **Example:** I stayed home **because of** my sickness.

**Think of it this way:** « Because » explains *why* something happened, while « because of » indicates the *reason* for something happening.

**Using « Because of » Effectively:**

« Because of » is versatile and can be used in various contexts:

* **Reasons for actions:**
* « She missed the train **because of** the traffic. »

* **Conditions or circumstances:**
* « **Because of** the bad weather, the game was postponed. »

* **Results or outcomes:**
* « **Because of** his hard work, he got promoted. »

**Bonus Tip:**

While « because » and « because of » are the most common words for expressing reasons, don’t shy away from incorporating synonyms like « due to, » « owing to, » or « on account of » to add variety and sophistication to your writing.

By understanding the subtle nuances and using « because of » correctly, you can elevate your English skills to new heights and communicate with confidence!

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