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comment – offer is lighted match while acceptance is a train of gunpowder ?

  • Répertoriée 22 octobre 2021 1h28
  • Expires: 9249 jours, 20 hours


comment – offer is lighted match while acceptance is a train of gunpowder ?

L’expression « offre est allumette allumée tandis que l’acceptation est un train de poudre » signifie qu’une offre peut être une chose dangereuse si elle est acceptée. C’est comme allumer une allumette près d’un train de poudre : cela peut provoquer une explosion.

Cette expression est souvent utilisée pour décrire des situations où une offre est tentante, mais où l’acceptation peut avoir des conséquences négatives. Par exemple, on pourrait dire que « proposer un prêt à taux élevé à une personne endettée est comme offrir une allumette allumée à une personne qui tient un train de poudre ». Cela signifie que la personne endettée pourrait être tentée d’accepter le prêt, mais que cela pourrait l’entraîner dans une spirale de dettes dont elle ne pourra pas se sortir.

Cette expression est également utilisée pour décrire des situations où une offre est faite de manière trompeuse ou manipulatrice. Par exemple, on pourrait dire que « proposer un emploi à une personne sans expérience en échange d’un salaire dérisoire est comme offrir une allumette allumée à une personne qui tient un train de poudre ». Cela signifie que la personne pourrait être tentée d’accepter l’emploi, mais qu’elle pourrait se retrouver dans une situation précaire et difficile à sortir.

En bref, l’expression « offre est allumette allumée tandis que l’acceptation est un train de poudre » est une mise en garde contre les dangers d’accepter des offres tentantes sans réfléchir aux conséquences. › croises › – › Qui+se+fait+sans+peine

PDF Acceptance is to an offer what a lighted match is to train … › admin › images › Acceptance is to an offer what a lighted match is to train of gunpowder Ananya Rai.pdf
The effect of acceptance of an offer has been explained by Anson in the following words: Acceptance to an offer is what a lighted match is to a train of gunpowder. It produces something that cannot be recalled or undone. But the powder may have lain until it has become damp, or the man who laid the train may remove it before the match is applied. So › doc › 192519782 › Acceptance-to-an-Offer-is-What-a-Lighted-Matchstick-to-a-Train-of-Gun-Powder

Acceptance To An Offer Is What A Lighted Matchstick To A … › doc › 192519782 › Acceptance-to-an-Offer-is-What-a-Lighted-Matchstick-to-a-Train-of-Gun-Powder
Upon analyzing this statement, it can be seen that gunpowder is the offer and lighted matchstick is acceptance. If a lighted matchstick is placed or brought near a train of gun powder disaster or explosion takes place which couldnt be undone or reversed. Similarly when an acceptance is being made, in response of an offer it cannot be revoked r cancelled. On the other hand, if a lighted matchstick is not brought near a train of gunpowder nothing serious or disastrous would occur. This implies … › interview-questions › lawyer › an-acceptance-is-to-offer-what-is-a-lighted-of-match-to-trains-of-gun-powder-explain-with-relevant-cases

An acceptance is to offer what is a lighted of match to … › interview-questions › lawyer › an-acceptance-is-to-offer-what-is-a-lighted-of-match-to-trains-of-gun-powder-explain-with-relevant-cases
When a lighted match is to train of gunpowder, it explodes and something happen. which cannot be undone, similarly an offer once accepted cannot be revoked. But in Indian Contract act, acceptance can be revoked by resorting to quicker means of communication, so that offer or learn about before its acceptance. › viewpost › 442323 › acceptance-offer-lighted-match-train-gunpowder-position-related-revocation-propo.html

Acceptance is to offer what a lighted match is to train of … › viewpost › 442323 › acceptance-offer-lighted-match-train-gunpowder-position-related-revocation-propo.html
Acceptance is to offer what a lighted match is to train of gunpowder. The position is related to revocation of proposal or acceptance has been describe by Anson in the following words:- this statement primarily good under the English low. here gunpowder = offer and lighted match stick = acceptance. when a lighted match is to train of gunpowder ,it explode and something happen. which cannot be undone,similarly an offer once accepted cannot be revoked. But so long a lighted match is to shown … › Q › Acceptance_is_to_offer_what_is_lighted_match_to_a_train_of_gun_powdercomment

Acceptance is to offer what is lighted match to a train of … › Q › Acceptance_is_to_offer_what_is_lighted_match_to_a_train_of_gun_powdercomment
Best Answer. Copy. when acceptance made contract comes into existence , acceptanceonce made cannot be revoked(british),hence acceptance is to offeris lighted match to a train of gun powder coz … › discuss-the-rules-relating-of-offer-acceptance-and-revocation

Discuss the rules relating of offer, Acceptance and … › discuss-the-rules-relating-of-offer-acceptance-and-revocation
An acceptance is to an offer what a lighted match isto a train of gun-powder. Just as a lighted match will blast a train lood of gunpowder, an offer becomes an agreement after its acceptance. As per Section 2(b) of the Indian Contract Act. When the person to whom the offer ismade signifies his assent thereto, the offer is said to be accepted can only be accepted by a specific person whereas a general offer can be accepted by anybody. › tutors-problems › Business-Law › 12435303-An-acceptance-is-to-offer-what-a-lighted-match-is-to-a-train-of-gu

‘An acceptance is to offer, what a lighted match is to a … › tutors-problems › Business-Law › 12435303-An-acceptance-is-to-offer-what-a-lighted-match-is-to-a-train-of-gu
Answer to An acceptance is to offer, what a lighted match is to a train of gunpowder. It produces something which cannot be recalled or redone. How would you › prime › documents › notes › details › 4713 › contract-act

Contract Act – Notes – LearnPick › prime › documents › notes › details › 4713 › contract-act
Here gunpowder stands for offer and the lighted match stands for acceptance. So when a lighted match is shown to a train of gun- powder, it explodes and something happens which cannot be undone similarly an offer once accepted cannot be revoked. But so long a lighted match is not show the gun powder remains inert and can be removed. Thus an offer unless it is accepted does not create any legal … › contract-mains-questions-series-part-iii

Law of Contract Mains Questions Series Part-III: Important … › contract-mains-questions-series-part-iii
Acceptance is to offer what a lighted match is to a train of gunpowder. It produces something, which cannot be recalled or undone. But the powder may have lain till it has become damp or the man who has lain the train may remove it before the match is applied. Explain with illustrations the principles sought to be expressed in the above passage. [DJS 1990] › home › du-llm-past-papers › du-llm-2013-question-paper

DU LLM 2013 Question Paper – Delhi Law Academy › home › du-llm-past-papers › du-llm-2013-question-paper
Who said Acceptance to an offer is what a lighted matchstick is to a train of gunpowder? (a) Sir Fredrick Pollock (b) Sir William Anson (c) G.C. Cheshire (d) D.F. Mulla. 54. The doctrine of ‘privity of consideration’ means: (a) Consideration may move from any other person with prior permission of the state (b) Consideration may move from any other person except the promisee (c …

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comment – offer is lighted match while acceptance is a train of gunpo...

comment – offer is lighted match while acceptance is a train of gunpowder ? L’expression « offre est allumette allumée tandis que l’acceptation est un train […]

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