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combine excel cells ?

  • Répertoriée 1 mai 2021 18h40
  • Expires: 9255 jours, 22 hours


combine excel cells ?

## Say Goodbye to Scattered Data: Master the Art of Combining Cells in Excel

Having data scattered across multiple cells can be frustrating and make it difficult to analyze. Thankfully, Excel offers powerful tools to merge those cells into one concise location.

In this blog post, we’ll explore two straightforward methods to combine text from different cells into a single cell, along with some handy tips to personalize your combined data.

**Method 1: The Ampersand (&) Operator:**

This method utilizes a simple symbol—the ampersand (&)—to combine cell contents.

1. **Select your desired target cell:** This is the cell where you want the combined text to appear.
2. **Type an equal sign (=):** This signals to Excel that you’re creating a formula.
3. **Click the first cell:** Choose the cell containing the first piece of text you want to combine.
4. **Type an ampersand (&) followed by a quotation mark (« ):** This separates the first cell’s value from the next cell you’ll add.
5. **Click the next cell:** Click on the cell containing the second piece of text.
6. **Add more quotation mark-ampersand-cell references:** Repeat steps 4-5 for any additional cells you want to include in the combined text.
7. **Press Enter:** Excel will perform the operation and display the combined text in your target cell.


Let’s say cell A1 contains « Apple » and cell B1 contains « Juice ». Typing « =A1& » « &B1 » in cell C1 will result in « Apple Juice » appearing in C1.

**Method 2: The CONCATENATE Function:**

This method offers a more explicit way to combine cells using a dedicated function.

1. **Select your desired target cell:** Just like in Method 1, this is where the combined text will appear.
2. **Type =CONCATENATE( ):** This initiates the CONCATENATE function.
3. **Click the first cell:** Select the cell containing the first piece of text.
4. **Use commas (,) to separate cell references:** Add commas between each cell reference you want to include in the combined text.
5. **Close the parentheses ():** Complete the function by typing a closing parenthesis.
6. **Press Enter:** Excel will execute the function and display the combined text in your target cell.


Using the same « Apple » in A1 and « Juice » in B1, typing « =CONCATENATE(A1, « , », B1) » in cell C1 will result in « Apple, Juice » being displayed.

**Additional Tips:**

– **Add text separators:** Customize the combined text by inserting spaces, commas, or dashes within the quotation marks when using the ampersand method.
– **Combine with other data types:** Both methods can combine text with numbers or other data types to create more complex results.

There you have it! With these easy methods, you can effortlessly combine cells in Excel and streamline your data analysis.

Remember, mastering these techniques will significantly boost your Excel proficiency and empower you to create more insightful and impactful spreadsheets.

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combine excel cells ?

combine excel cells ? ## Say Goodbye to Scattered Data: Master the Art of Combining Cells in Excel Having data scattered across multiple cells can […]

194 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui