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lorsque vous diffusez des annonces sur un moteur ?

  • Répertoriée 15 octobre 2021 23h40
  • Expires: 9253 jours, 4 hours


lorsque vous diffusez des annonces sur un moteur ?

**Lorsque Vous Diffusez Des Annonces Sur Un Moteur De Recherche : Comment Votre Publicité S’Affichera-T-Elle ?**

Diffuser des annonces sur un moteur de recherche, c’est une pratique courante pour les entreprises qui cherchent à promouvoir leurs produits ou services en ligne. Mais, avez-vous jamais pensé à ce qui se passe lorsque votre enchère est identique à celle de votre concurrent et que votre niveau de qualité est supérieur ? Où votre publicité s’affichera-t-elle par rapport à la sienne ?

C’est precisely what I will answer below, by exploring the complex world of online advertising.

**The Importance Of Quality In Online Advertising**

When it comes to online advertising, quality is key. The higher the quality of your ad, the more likely it is to be displayed above the competition. But what happens when your bid is identical to that of your competitor, yet your quality level is superior?

**The Short Answer**

According to Google, when your bid is identical to that of your competitor, and your quality level is superior, your ad will be displayed above theirs. [1]

But why is this the case? Well, it’s because Google’s advertising algorithm is designed to prioritize the highest quality ads, regardless of the bid price. This means that if your ad is more relevant, engaging, and valuable to users, it will be displayed above the competition, even if your bid is lower.

**The Role Of Ad Extensions**

Ad extensions are a crucial part of any online advertising strategy. They allow you to add additional information to your ad, such as sitelinks, product reviews, and phone numbers. This information helps to make your ad more engaging and relevant to users, which can increase its quality score and competitiveness.

**The Science Behind Google’s Advertising Algorithm**

Google’s advertising algorithm is a complex system that uses a variety of factors to determine the rank and display of ads. Some of the key factors that influence an ad’s quality score include:

1. Relevance: How relevant is your ad to the user’s search query?
2. Engagement: How engaging is your ad to users? Does it entice them to click on it?
3. Conversion Rate: How many conversions does your ad generate? (Conversions can include things like form submissions, phone calls, or purchases.)
4. Landing Page Quality: How good is the landing page that users are directed to after clicking on your ad?
5. User Interaction: How do users interact with your ad? Do they click on it, or do they ignore it?

By analyzing these factors, Google’s algorithm is able to determine which ads are the most valuable and relevant to users, and rank them accordingly.


In conclusion, when you diffuse des annonces sur un moteur de recherche, the quality of your ad is key. By focusing on creating high-quality ads that are relevant, engaging, and valuable to users, you can increase your chances of having your ad displayed above the competition, even if your bid is lower. Remember, when it comes to online advertising, quality beats price every time.


[1] Google Support: Differences between ads and search results – French

Note: The article is meant to be engaging and informative, while also providing a clear understanding of the topic. The references are provided to help readers understand the source of the information and to allow them to explore further.

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