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which vulnerability was used by wannacry and notpetya ?

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https://www.theguardian.com › technology › 2017 › dec › 30 › wannacry-petya-notpetya-ransomware

https://www.theguardian.com › technology › 2017 › dec › 30 › wannacry-petya-notpetya-ransomware
WannaCry, Petya, NotPetya: how ransomware hit the big time in 2017
30 déc. 2017NotPetya had another oddity: it didn’t actually seem created to make money. The ransomware was coded in such a way that, even if users did pay up, their data could never be recovered.

https://www.cloudflare.com › learning › security › ransomware › petya-notpetya-ransomware

https://www.cloudflare.com › learning › security › ransomware › petya-notpetya-ransomware
What are Petya and NotPetya? | Ransomware attacks | Cloudflare
Notably, NotPetya was observed using the same EternalBlue vulnerability (CVE-2017-0144) that the worldwide WannaCry attack had used earlier in 2017. This enabled it to spread rapidly across networks without any intervention from users — unlike Petya, which needed users to open a malicious email attachment for the infection to begin. Microsoft issued a patch for the EternalBlue vulnerability in March 2017, but many organizations had not installed the patch.

https://solutions.lesechos.fr › tech › c › ne-prendre-otage-identifiez-exposition-a-wannacry-notpetya-5356

https://solutions.lesechos.fr › tech › c › ne-prendre-otage-identifiez-exposition-a-wannacry-notpetya-5356
WannaCry et (Not)Petya : retour sur ces cyberattaques
Cette souche du virus appelée « Petya » ou « NotPetya » a réussi à infecter le système de refroidissement de la centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl, ainsi que des centaines de milliers de systèmes informatiques et des millions d’utilisateurs. Dans le cas de la première attaque WannaCry en mai 2017, c’est une faille du système Microsoft Windows qui avait été exploitée, bloquant …

https://www.proofpoint.com › us › security-awareness › post › wannacry-notpetya-and-evolution-ransomware

https://www.proofpoint.com › us › security-awareness › post › wannacry-notpetya-and-evolution-ransomware
WannaCry, NotPetya, and the Evolution of Ransomware
But then came WannaCry and, shortly on its heels, NotPetya. Though the two strains, superficially, have little to do with one another, they seemingly shared the same new goal: to disrupt rather than to profit. They also both utilized a more sophisticated distribution code, displaying worm-like capabilities that allowed infections to take root without relying explicitly on phishing attacks or on users to run an executable. Compared to variants like Locky, Cerber, or SamSam, there …

www.phishlabs.com › blog › wannacry-notpetya-ransomware-evolved-in-2017
WannaCry, NotPetya and the Rest: How Ransomware Evolved in 2017
WannaCry. Perhaps the most aptly named ransomware family from 2017, WannaCry wrought havoc for businesses all over the world. Starting in the early hours of May 12, WannaCry infected hundreds of thousands of machines across more than 150 countries. Unlike most ransomware families, which rely on phishing for distribution, WannaCry made use of an SMB vulnerability to infect exposed machines, and then spread by scanning for connected machines over TCP port 445. For a more thorough …

https://www.cloudflare.com › learning › security › ransomware › wannacry-ransomware

https://www.cloudflare.com › learning › security › ransomware › wannacry-ransomware
What was the WannaCry ransomware attack? | Cloudflare
WannaCry spread by using a vulnerability exploit called EternalBlue. The US National Security Agency (NSA) had developed this exploit, presumably for their own use, but it was stolen and released to the public by a group called the Shadow Brokers after the NSA was itself compromised. EternalBlue only worked on older, unpatched versions of Microsoft Windows, but there were more than enough …

https://revolutionaries.zscaler.com › insights › notpetya-and-learning-lessons-wannacry

https://revolutionaries.zscaler.com › insights › notpetya-and-learning-lessons-wannacry
NotPetya and learning the lessons of WannaCry | CXO
Contrary to the widespread belief that Maersk was infected after failing to patch the same vulnerability EternalBlue exploited, NotPetya was a different animal altogether. My team and I had finished disabling WMI by that evening. NotPetya also made use of a widely known tool designed by a French researcher and dubbed Mimikatz. Mimikatz took advantage of an intentional Windows function to retrieve plaintext passwords stored in memory. Once armed with an admin password, the malware could …

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › WannaCry_ransomware_attack

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › WannaCry_ransomware_attack
WannaCry ransomware attack – Wikipedia
The WannaCry ransomware attack was a worldwide cyberattack in May 2017 by the WannaCry ransomware cryptoworm, which targeted computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system by encrypting data and demanding ransom payments in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. It propagated by using EternalBlue, an exploit developed by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) for Windows systems.

https://www.theguardian.com › technology › 2017 › jun › 27 › petya-ransomware-cyber-attack-who-what-why-how

https://www.theguardian.com › technology › 2017 › jun › 27 › petya-ransomware-cyber-attack-who-what-why-how
‘Petya’ ransomware attack: what is it and how can it be stopped?
27 juin 2017In early May, Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) was among the organizations infected by WannaCry, which used a vulnerability first revealed to the public as part of a leaked stash of NSA …

https://www.forbes.com › sites › quora › 2017 › 07 › 05 › how-similar-are-wannacry-and-petya-ransomware

https://www.forbes.com › sites › quora › 2017 › 07 › 05 › how-similar-are-wannacry-and-petya-ransomware
How Similar Are WannaCry And Petya Ransomware? – Forbes
5 juil. 2017While the WannaCry ransomware, which struck in May 2017, and the highly destructive Petya variant, which struck in June 2017, have some similarities, they also have several differences.


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