which country uses vosotros ?
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https://www.spanishdict.com › guide › vosotroshttps://www.spanishdict.com › guide › vosotros
Vosotros | SpanishDict
In Spain, vosotros is used when you are talking to group of friends, peers, pets, children, or close family members. In other words, it is used to address a group of people informally. In Spain, ustedes is used to address a group of people formally. For example, a group of people older than you or people you don’t know well.https://spanish.stackexchange.com › questions › 8576 › is-spain-the-only-country-that-uses-vosotros-for-you-allhttps://spanish.stackexchange.com › questions › 8576 › is-spain-the-only-country-that-uses-vosotros-for-you-all
Is Spain the only country that uses vosotros for you all?
Vosotros is used in the majority of Spain, Equitorial Guinea, and Western Sahara and for ser would take the conjugation you note. The latter two have substantially smaller populations than Spain or any other Spanish-speaking country so they are often ignored in discussions on linguistic issues in Spanish (not to mention that in many if not most cases their Spanish-speakers are non-native).https://www.answers.com › Q › What_two_countries_use_vosotroshttps://www.answers.com › Q › What_two_countries_use_vosotros
What two countries use vosotros? – Answers
Vosotros is used primarily in Spain to address two or more people with whom you are familiar; it is Spain’s plural form of tú. Other Spanish-speaking countries usually use ‘ustedes’ to talk to…https://blog.duolingo.com › what-is-spanish-vosotroshttps://blog.duolingo.com › what-is-spanish-vosotros
What Is Vosotros and When Do You Use It? – Duolingo Blog
You won’t sound like you’re from Spain, but vosotros isn’t the only unique feature of Spanish in Spain! Of course, in Spain you’ll hear lots of vosotros used, but as you’ll see below, the vosotros verb forms just have different endings, so with a little practice you’ll get used to understanding them quickly.https://springlanguages.com › learn-spanish › ustedes-vs-vosotroshttps://springlanguages.com › learn-spanish › ustedes-vs-vosotros
Ustedes VS Vosotros: When to use which? | Spring Languages
You will not hear people using the word vosotros in Latin America. We only use ustedes. Vosotros is used in Spain only (and not even the whole of Spain, there are parts, like Canarias and Western Andalucía where they don’t use vosotros). So if you are learning the Spanish of Latin America, just only ever use ustedes. You can now turn off this video. Nah, just kidding haha: you’ll still hearhttps://www.quora.com › Is-Spain-the-only-country-to-use-Vosotros-What-other-differences-are-there-between-Latin-American-Spanish-and-other-Spanish-places?share=1https://www.quora.com › Is-Spain-the-only-country-to-use-Vosotros-What-other-differences-are-there-between-Latin-American-Spanish-and-other-Spanish-places?share=1
Is Spain the only country to use ‘Vosotros? What other … – Quora
Equatorial Guinea is the only other Spanish-speaking country in the world to use vosotros. The biggest reason for this is because it was only recently in history that it became independent from Spain after centuries of rule. Because of this, Equatorial Guinea largely followed Spain’s rules Spanish. Also, being the only Hispanic African country, it is isolated from Latin America and other Spanish speaking countries. Most foreign media is from Spain and the people grow up speaking that …https://www.spanishdict.com › answers › 222576 › use-of-vosotroshttps://www.spanishdict.com › answers › 222576 › use-of-vosotros
Use of Vosotros | SpanishDict Answers
Some countries that I know use this are. Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Peraguar, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, as far as I know. The plural vosotros I believe is used only in parts of Spain. As Goyo said, the Reina Valera 1960 edition’s Bible uses this line of Spanish. That is the version I use and it is very clear to me. The use of Vos/vosotros is very personal. I only use it to relate to my siblings and very close friends.https://www.quora.com › Why-is-Spain-the-only-Spanish-speaking-country-that-uses-vosotros?share=1https://www.quora.com › Why-is-Spain-the-only-Spanish-speaking-country-that-uses-vosotros?share=1
Why is Spain the only Spanish speaking country that uses vosotros …
Why is Spain the only Spanish speaking country that uses vosotros? It’s not. Vosotros is also used in Equatorial Guinea. Moreover, when my son was married in Guatemala a couple of years ago, the priest who conducted the ceremony addressed him and his (Guatemalan) bride as vosotros throughout his sermon/remarks to them. Admittedly, he based his talk on the Biblical language used in the Bible passages that had been read during the ceremony – but nobody was in the least bit …https://www.onthenewway.com › post › why-vosotros-is-not-use-in-latin-americahttps://www.onthenewway.com › post › why-vosotros-is-not-use-in-latin-america
Vosotros vs ustedes: Why vosotros is not used in Latin America?
In Latin America, it corresponds to ustedes (plural you). Historically, both forms come from Spain. In fact, in Spain, usted (singular) and ustedes (plural) are used in formal contexts or to address someone you don’t know or you want to show respect.https://spanish.stackexchange.com › questions › 25 › vos-vs-tú-usage-by-countryhttps://spanish.stackexchange.com › questions › 25 › vos-vs-tú-usage-by-country
‘Vos’ vs ‘tú’ usage by country – spanish.stackexchange.com
Generally North/Central America and Caribe countries like Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Cuba use tú. South America countries like Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina use vos. In Colombia vos is used mostly in the pacific coast states to talk with friends and relatives, but tuteo is also very common. Voseo predominates in the states of Antioquia, Risaralda, Caldas and Quindío.
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