what are pirate radio stations ?
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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pirate_radiohttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pirate_radio
Pirate radio – Wikipedia
Pirate radio or a pirate radio station is a radio station that broadcasts without a valid license. In some cases, radio stations are considered legal where the signal is transmitted, but illegal where the signals are received—especially when the signals cross a national boundary.https://www.redbull.com › gb-en › a-brief-history-of-pirate-radio-stationshttps://www.redbull.com › gb-en › a-brief-history-of-pirate-radio-stations
Pirate radio stations: Check out their history *list* – Red Bull
A new, raw, grassroots kind of pirate radio exploded from 1992 onwards. Stations such as Weekend Rush, Kool FM, Pulse and Innocence wanted to represent the streets and promote local scenes….
Rave AnthemsIn One Spotify PlaylistMusicTVEventshttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pirate_radio_in_the_United_Kingdomhttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pirate_radio_in_the_United_Kingdom
Pirate radio in the United Kingdom – Wikipedia
Pirate radio in the UK first became widespread in the early 1960s when pop music stations such as Radio Caroline and Radio London started to broadcast on medium wave to the UK from offshore ships or disused sea forts. At the time, these stations were not illegal because they were broadcasting from international waters. The stations were set up by entrepreneurs and music enthusiasts to meet the …https://shortcircuitmag.com › article › what-is-a-pirate-radio-stationhttps://shortcircuitmag.com › article › what-is-a-pirate-radio-station
What Is a Pirate Radio Station? (2022) – shortcircuitmag.com
Pirate radio began when Federal Communication Commission (FCC)-like rules began to spread around the world. As soon as there were laws on the books, there were pirate radio stations on the air. Where the modern history of pirate radio seems to begin, though, is in the 1960s when pirate radio operators would get on the air to spread their …https://recording-history.org › what-is-pirate-radiohttps://recording-history.org › what-is-pirate-radio
What is Pirate Radio? – A brief history of Pirate Radio
Named pirate radio, or pirate broadcasting for the way frequency were hijacked by non-authorized users, it began on both British and US Naval ships as they already had reserved radiowave rights. It was those same naval personnel that began complaining when amateur signals interrupted their military communications.https://www.hfunderground.com › wiki › List_of_Pirate_Radio_Frequencieshttps://www.hfunderground.com › wiki › List_of_Pirate_Radio_Frequencies
List of Pirate Radio Frequencies – HFUnderground
North American Pirate Radio Frequencies By far the most active ranges in North America are 43 meters (6800-7000 kHz), 46 meters (6200-6400 kHz) and 73 meters (4000-4200 kHz), with some activity in the 60 meter band (4700-5300 kHz) as well. Some pirates have even shown in in the SWBC bands, including 49, 31 and 25 meters. Last updated: December 2022https://stillnessinthestorm.com › 2022 › 03 › what-is-a-pirate-radio-stationhttps://stillnessinthestorm.com › 2022 › 03 › what-is-a-pirate-radio-station
What Is a Pirate Radio Station? – Stillness in the Storm
What is a pirate radio station? All that’s really required for a radio station to be considered a pirate station is for it to be broadcasting illegally. Despite radio frequencies being as old as the earth, it didn’t take long after their discovery for the radio spectrum to become heavily legislated.https://www.hfunderground.com › wiki › index.php › Pirate_Radio_New_Listener_Guide_and_FAQhttps://www.hfunderground.com › wiki › index.php › Pirate_Radio_New_Listener_Guide_and_FAQ
Pirate Radio New Listener Guide and FAQ – HFUnderground
Europirates (as European pirate stations are often referred to in the US) also make use of other parts of the HF spectrum. Other commonly used bands include: 19 meters, generally 15000-15100 kHz, but also 15700-15900 kHz 13 meters, 21000-25000 kHz Factors That Effect Receptionhttps://undergroundnewswire.news › 2022 › 02 › 26 › what-is-a-pirate-radio-stationhttps://undergroundnewswire.news › 2022 › 02 › 26 › what-is-a-pirate-radio-station
What Is a Pirate Radio Station? | The Underground Newswire
What is a pirate radio station? All that’s really required for a radio station to be considered a pirate station is for it to be broadcasting illegally. Despite radio frequencies being as old as the earth, it didn’t take long after their discovery for the radio spectrum to become heavily legislated.https://uk.radio.net › topic › pirate-radiohttps://uk.radio.net › topic › pirate-radio
Pirate radio radio stations | Listen live & for free
Pirate radio radio -Listen to 40 Pirate radio radio stations online. Kane FM 103.7. Guildford, Indie, Hip Hop, Electro, Dub, Pirate radio. Supreme FM. London, Soul, Reggae, R’n’B, Hip Hop, Pirate radio. Unique Radio. London, Soul, Reggae, R’n’B, Hip Hop, Pirate radio. On Top FM.
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