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what does payant mean in french ?

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https://dictionary.reverso.net › french-english › payant

https://dictionary.reverso.net › french-english › payant
payant translation in English | French-English dictionary | Reverso
payant , e adj [spectateurs] paying Ce sont des hôtes payants. They’re paying guests. [billet, accès] that you pay for, to be paid for c’est payant you have to pay, there is a charge L’entrée de la boîte est payante. You have to pay to get into the nightclub. (=fructueux) [travail] profitable un effort payant an effort that pays off

https://www.collinsdictionary.com › dictionary › french-english › payant

https://www.collinsdictionary.com › dictionary › french-english › payant
English Translation of payant | Collins French-English Dictionary
Word forms: payant, payante adjective 1. [spectateurs] paying Ce sont des hôtes payants. They’re paying guests. 2. [billet, accès] that you pay for ⧫ to be paid for c’est payant you have to pay ⧫ there is a charge L’entrée de la boîte est payante. You have to pay to get into the nightclub. 3. (= fructueux) [travail] profitable

https://dictionary.cambridge.org › us › dictionary › french-english › payant

https://dictionary.cambridge.org › us › dictionary › french-english › payant
payant | translation French to English: Cambridge Dictionary
Translation of payant – French-English dictionary payant adjective / pɛjɑ̃/ (also payante / pɛjɑ̃t/) qu’il faut payer that has to be paid for entrée payante paid admission visiter les musées les jours ou l’entrée n’est pas payante Antonym gratuit figurative (profitable) qui rapporte de l’argent ou un avantage profitable Ses efforts ont été payants.

https://www.wordhippo.com › what-is › the-meaning-of › french-word-56463555278ba54733a875e342e37c9839867ac1.html

https://www.wordhippo.com › what-is › the-meaning-of › french-word-56463555278ba54733a875e342e37c9839867ac1.html
What does payant mean in French? – WordHippo
rentable, profitable, avantageux, lucratif, fructueux chargeable adjective payant, passible Find more words! payant See Also in French parking payant noun toll parking personne payant les impôts noun ratepayer téléphone payant pay phone être payant to be paid hôte payant paying host Similar Words lucratif adjective

https://dictionary.reverso.net › french-english › payant,

https://dictionary.reverso.net › french-english › payant,
payant, translation in English | French-English dictionary | Reverso
payant adj. paying Additional comments: Collaborative Dictionary French-English payant , e adj [spectateurs] paying Ce sont des hôtes payants. They’re paying guests. [billet, accès] that you pay for, to be paid for c’est payant you have to pay, there is a charge L’entrée de la boîte est payante. You have to pay to get into the nightclub.

https://context.reverso.net › translation › french-english › payant

https://context.reverso.net › translation › french-english › payant
payant – Translation into English – examples French | Reverso Context
Translation of payant in English. Adjective. Noun. Verb. paying paid pay chargeable premium charged payable profitable extra charge fee payment fee-paying not free pays off paid-for lucrative. Show more. Vip4you est un service payant qui offre plusieurs avantages aux passagers.

https://www.linguee.com › french-english › translation › payant.html

https://www.linguee.com › french-english › translation › payant.html
payant – English translation – Linguee
payant noun, masculine payer n payer ( qqch./qqn.) verb pay sb./sth. v J’ai beaucoup de factures à payer. I have a lot of bills to pay. Je dois payer mon loyer tous les mois. I must pay my rent every month. pay for sth. v Nous avons payé la voiture en trois versements. We paid for the car in three installments.

https://www.wordsense.eu › payant

https://www.wordsense.eu › payant
payant (French): meaning, translation – WordSense Dictionary
payant payant (French) Adjective payant (masc.) (fem. payante, masc. pl. payants, fem. pl. payantes) paying, which pays; not free, that charges money; Verb payant. Present participle of payer

https://educalingo.com › en › dic-fr › payant

https://educalingo.com › en › dic-fr › payant
PAYANT – Definition and synonyms of payant in the French dictionary
Payant is a verb and can also act as an adjective. The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it. The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

https://tr-ex.me › translation › english-french › payant

https://tr-ex.me › translation › english-french › payant
PAYANT in French Translation – tr-ex.me
Translations in context of PAYANT in english-french. HERE are many translated example sentences containing PAYANT – english-french translations and search engine for english translations.


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