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哪里 or 哪儿 ?

  • Listed: 23 May 2021 11 h 40 min
  • Expires: 9534 days, 19 hours



etymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language…
That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so you are essentially right about it just being a sound. Southerners are less likely to curl their tongues like When one is praised or flattered, 哪里 or 哪里哪里 is generally considered a proper, polite and humble response in Chinese culture.


italki – What is the difference between 哪里 and 哪儿 or in general…
hi…..i will try my best to show you! sometimes they have the same meaning :where,for example:where is my watch?(我的手表在哪里?or 我的手表在哪儿?) but sometimes 哪里 has another meaning: some kinds of words about courtesy ! for example: anna said—-wow, your chinese is really good


What’s the difference between 哪里and 哪儿? – Duolingo | Forum
I’ve been getting confused about when to use 哪里and 哪儿. According to Duolingo, both mean where and are interchangable, but are there certain conditions where one is used over the other?


哪儿(nar) or 哪里 (nali) in Shanghai ? – Shanghai – Chinese-forums.com
If you say 哪儿 in Shanghai/Hangzhou, as a foreigner, there’s a good chance they’ll laugh at you. Anytime I want to get a cheap laugh, I speak with the Northern accent and excessively use 儿. My friends in Shanghai certainly don’t laugh at me when I use 哪儿. I asked them which is better and…


how to ask where is in Chinese Mandarin na li 哪里 ? OR 哪儿

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New HSK 2021 Level 1 ️ 500 Vocabulary Word List | Pandarin
哪里 哪裡. nǎ lǐ. where.


你从哪儿来的多久没吃东西了. разг. где?, куда? (вм. 哪里 кроме 5).


Предлоги направления – Школа китайского языка и культуры
在 + место + V 张:他爸爸妈妈在哪里工作? Zhāng: Tā bàba māma zài nǎli gōngzuò?




Русско-китайский разговорник
Ни хэнь пхяолян! Что вы, что вы. 哪里,哪里。 [nǎlǐ, nǎlǐ]. Нали, нали. Чхаоцзи шичхан цзай на и цхэн? Где здесь выход? 出口在哪儿? [chūkǒu zài nǎr]. Чхукхоу цзайнар?


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