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french or english lavender ?

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  • Listed: 9 avril 2022 3 h 32 min
  • Expires: Cette annonce a expiré

Description › blog › english-lavender-vs-french-lavender

English lavender vs French lavender: 13 Distinct … › blog › english-lavender-vs-french-lavender
English lavender is a large lavender variety that grows to a height of approximately 1 to 2 meters (3 to 6 feet tall). French lavender, L. stoechas is a medium-sized lavender and grows to a height of about 1 to 3 feet (30 cm to 60 cm). L. dentata on the other hand is a small variety and is usually 8 to 24 inches (20 to 50 cm) tall. › french-lavender-vs-english-lavender

The Difference between French vs English Lavender … › french-lavender-vs-english-lavender
French Lavender French lavender has the scientific name Lavandula dentata where dentata translates to toothed referring to the scallops on the leaves as shown above. It’s sometimes confused with Spanish lavender or Lavandula stoechas. › difference-between-english-and-french-lavender

The Difference Between English and French Lavender … › difference-between-english-and-french-lavender
The key difference between French and English lavenders is that English lavenders are more cold hardy, produce a stronger fragrance and live longer however French lavenders can produce flowers for much longer. English lavenders have a more powerful aroma then French lavenders and tend to be grown more commercial as a result. › b › english-vs-french-lavender

English vs French Lavender – Grow Veggy › b › english-vs-french-lavender
French lavender, on the other hand, is not as tolerant as English lavender. Most of these lavenders cannot withstand extreme cold especially when snow and ice are prominent. French Lavender survive better in areas where winter temperatures do not fall below 50℉ (10℃). English lavender is cold-hardy towards all USDA zones up to zone 5. › gardening › english-vs-french-lavender.html

English vs French lavender – BOTH French lavenders! › gardening › english-vs-french-lavender.html
Lavandula dentata in the rest of the world (United States, New Zealand, Australia…) On the other hand, in the English language, English lavender is always Lavandula angustifolia. Get to know them so you can choose the best variety for your garden and desires! Botanical name Description and appearance Climate and hardiness Fragrance, oil › the-difference-between-french-and-english-lavender-and-1847354061

The Difference Between French and English Lavender › the-difference-between-french-and-english-lavender-and-1847354061
While French and English lavender flowers are roughly the same color, they differ in size. Specifically, French lavender spreads out—typically growing to about two or three feet in width and … › enfr › lavender

lavender – English-French Dictionary › enfr › lavender
lavender – traduction anglais-français. Forums pour discuter de lavender, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Gratuit. › gardening › french-lavender.html

French lavender – planting, pruning, care, origin and tips … › gardening › french-lavender.html
French lavender is a nice alternative to common lavender thanks to its very original flowers. Key facts for French Lavender Name – Lavandula stoechas (GB) Name – Lavandula dentata (USA) Family – Lamiaceae Type – herb sub-shrub Height – 24 to 40 inches (60 to 100 cm) Exposure – full sun Soil – ordinary, well drained Foliage – evergreen › french-lavender-growing-guide-5194430

French Lavender: Plant Care & Growing Guide › french-lavender-growing-guide-5194430
Though this common name is sometimes also used for another species of lavender— Lavandula stoechas —the name is not commonly used in the U.S. for Lavandula dentata, the species described in this growing guide. Although it is adorned with its famous purple blooms, French lavender is not as fragrant as English lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia ). › plants › lavandula-stoechas

Lavandula stoechas (French lavender) – BBC Gardeners World … › plants › lavandula-stoechas
Lavandula stoechas is commonly referred to as French lavender. It’s an aromatic dwarf shrub with narrow, greyish leaves, and bears dense, oval heads of small purple flowers topped with with a tuft of purple bracts. The Royal Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM).


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