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how to gain muscle then cut ?

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how to gain muscle then cut ?

Here are some links that might be useful to you:


Bulking And Cutting: How To Bulk Up And Cut The Smart Way
8 août 2023Bulking. Bulking is a term used to describe a muscle building phase. During this period of time, you’d eat an amount of calories that causes a caloric surplus to exist so that weight gain occurs.. Cutting. Cutting is a term used to describe a fat loss phase. During this time, you’d eat an amount of calories that causes a caloric deficit to exist so that weight loss occurs.


A Beginners Guide to Bulking and Cutting | PureGym
Keep protein intake up. Protein is more important on a cut than a bulk because it helps to spare muscle during tissue wasting. You may not need to boost your protein intake dramatically during a cut, but keeping it a bit on the higher side can be a good idea – 1.8g per kg bodyweight is a good aim.

https://www.strengthlog.com / how-to-cut-for-bodybuilding

https://www.strengthlog.com / how-to-cut-for-bodybuilding
How to Cut for Bodybuilding: Top 15 Tips for Success
15 mars 2023That means that you should increase your protein intake further the leaner you get. When you’re looking to achieve muscle gain and strength during a bulking phase, a protein intake of 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight (0.8 grams per pound of body weight) per day is plenty. 5. When you’re cutting, things change.


Can You Gain Muscle While Cutting? (Explained Simply by Doctor)
13 mars 2023Yes, you can gain muscle while cutting. However, it may be more complicated than if you were maintaining your weight, trying to lose fat, or trying to gain muscle individually. Regardless, focus on eating a healthy diet and getting enough protein. Lastly, train regularly to support your fat loss and -building goals.


The Cutting Workout Plan: How To Get Cut – Bodybuilding.com
Decline Crunches: 3 sets 10-15 reps, increase weight each set and add a twist at the end to target your obliques. Reverse Crunches: 3 sets of 10-15 reps. For added weight add a dumbbell but ensure you have perfect technique before adding weight to avoid injury. Scissor Kicks: 3 sets of 15 kicks with each leg.


How to Train Bodybuilding on a Cut – BarBend
18 mars 2024Lift at moderate to high intensities, with moderate volume, hitting major muscle groups 1 to 2 times per week . Make adjustments to your program based on how you feel during your diet. On an as …


A Beginner’s Guide to Bulking & Cutting – Bony to Beastly
7 févr. 2024Bulking and cutting are key terms in the muscle-building industry. Bulking is when you gain weight to facilitate muscle growth. Cutting is when you lose weight to burn fat. Some people do them in sequence, bulking, then cutting, and then bulking again. Bulking is controversial, and understandably so. The average person is already overweight.


How to Bulk And Cut: The Ultimate Guide – Muscles Magician
26 févr. 2023The length of your bulking and cutting phases will depend on your individual goals and body composition. Typically, a bulking phase will last probably 12-20 weeks, depending on your starting point and your desired muscle mass. A cutting phase will typically last 8-12 weeks, and this also depends on your starting point and your desired level of …


Bulking and Cutting: A Beginner’s Guide to Maximizing Your Gains
8 mai 2023Bulking: Bulking is a prolonged period of putting on muscle mass, while at the same time mitigating any fat mass accumulation.. Cutting: Cutting is a plan executed over a prolonged period of losing weight, preferably body fat, while maintaining muscle mass.. Now those are the Cliff Notes version of each, and there’s more to it …


The Bodybuilder’s Guide to Transitioning From a Cut to a Bulk
4 déc. 2023A large body of research indicates that optimal training volume for hypertrophy tends to fall somewhere between 10 and 20 hard sets per week, per muscle. ( 5) If you’ve been undershooting your …
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