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how do you know that a watermelon is ripe ?

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how do you know that a watermelon is ripe ?

Here are some links that might be useful to you:


How to Tell When a Watermelon Is Ripe: 6 Testing Methods
How to Tell When a Watermelon Is Ripe: 6 Testing Methods Written by MasterClass Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 3 min read Figuring out how to tell when a watermelon is ripe is a simple process that you can use whether you’re picking watermelon from the vine or the grocery store.


How to Tell Your Watermelon Is Ripe: 8 Ways – Treehugger
12 avr. 2022A ripe watermelon should smell slightly sweet, and similar to what a melon tastes like, but not overly sweet—that can indicate an overripe watermelon. This sniff test also works great on…

https://www.allrecipes.com / ways-to-tell-if-a-watermelon-is-ripe-7555677

https://www.allrecipes.com / ways-to-tell-if-a-watermelon-is-ripe-7555677
4 Ways to Tell if Your Watermelon Is Ripe – Allrecipes
29 juin 2023An unripe melon’s spot will be whiter. Another easy indicator is the tendril where the fruit was connected to the vine, though since most grocery store melons won’t have them still attached, this is often a moot point. If there is one, though, it should be dried out. A green tendril means it was picked too early. Can You Eat Seeds?


How You Can Tell When a Watermelon Is Ripe | HGTV
1. Check for a Brown Tendril A watermelon vine has curly tendrils on it. Find the one that’s closest to a ripening watermelon fruit. That tendril gives excellent clues for when a watermelon is ripe. When the melon is small and developing, the tendril is green and pliable.


This Is How to Tell If Watermelon Is Ripe | Taste of Home
How to Tell If Watermelon Is Ripe You can do the weight test along with other melon methods. Next time you’re at the market or grocery store, remember these tell-tale signs of a ripe watermelon: A dark green rind A golden yellow spot on the melon’s underside A deep, hollow sound when thumped Brown spots, webbing or scarring Heavy for its size


The #1 Way to Tell if a Watermelon is Ripe – The Spruce Eats
31 août 2023Instead of focusing on a big yellow spot, look for scaly, webby brown areas called pollen points. Apparently, the more webbing a watermelon has on it, the sweeter it’ll be. The exterior of the fruit won’t be cosmetically perfect, and that’s exactly what you’re looking for, Alsberg says. Some melons will have both a yellow spot and webbing.


How to Tell If a Watermelon Is Ripe | Almanac.com
22 nov. 2023Old-timers swear that they know when a watermelon is ripe just by rapping it with a knuckle. It is ready if the sound is low-pitched, hollow, and deep like a drum. Johnny’s Seed Company explains further, saying that it should sound like a punk rather than a pink or a pank when you flick it with your finger.


How to Tell if a Whole Watermelon Is Ripe – The Spruce Eats
They are checking for signs of hollowness. You want to gently knock on the watermelon, like you are knocking on a door, and listen. (You can also flick the rind with your finger.) If you hear a plunking sound, it means it is hollow and therefore ripe. If the sound is more high pitched, then the watermelon not yet.


How to Tell if a Watermelon is Ripe – Southern Living
30 août 2022A yellow ground spot is the best sign that the watermelon is ripe and plenty sweet. You should also look for brownish, black dots known as sugar spots on the melon. These are a sign that the melon is practically brimming with sugar and will be quite delicious.


How To Tell If a Watermelon Is Ripe – Simply Recipes
22 juin 2023According to the experts at the National Watermelon Promotion Board, the real tell-tale sign of a ripe watermelon is a creamy yellow spot from where it sat on the ground and ripened in the sun on the underside of the watermelon. This yellow spot is known as the field spot.
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