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could you or would you be able to ?

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  • Listed: 30 March 2024 5h53
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could you or would you be able to ?

Here are some links that might be useful to you:


Would You vs. Could You: Difference Explained (Examples) – Grammarhow
That way, you’ll know which one you should use when you’re trying to be kind to someone. Would you is more polite. We use it to ask whether someone is willing to help us. It’s used to ask for a favor, which is a great way to be polite when we need someone’s help. Could you is also polite, but it’s not quite as effective.


What is the difference between can, could and be able to? | English …
Il y a 2 jours2 ability: the present. Can, could, and be able to are all used to talk about a person’s ability to do something. You use can or be able to to talk about ability in the present. Be able to is more formal than can. You can all read and write. The animals are able to move around, and they can all lie down.

https://engoo.com / blog / language-tips / could-you-vs-would-you-whats-the-difference

https://engoo.com / blog / language-tips / could-you-vs-would-you-whats-the-difference
Could You vs Would You: What’s the Difference? – Engoo Blog
Here are three explanations you’ll usually come across: Would you is correct, because you are asking if someone will do something and not whether they can do it. Would you also sounds more polite than Could you.. Would you and Could you are equally polite and valid ways to make a request. sounds …


Are you able to vs Can you vs Could you vs Would you
I would say that Can you and Could you were fairly informal – Could you throw me that teatowel? Would you is a polite request – Would you come this way please?. I think one of the first two would be best when asking a superior to do something for you, or Would you mind doing X?


Would you be able to (do something)? – PhraseMix
Explanation of the English phrase Would you be able to (do something)?: This is a rather polite way to ask someone to do something. It’s polite because the phrase would you is less direct than Can you or Will you. You ask Would you be able to ___ when you’re asking someone to do something that is a bit inconvenient: Would you be give me a ride home after work tomorrow?


CAN, COULD, BE ABLE TO | Learn English
can for requests and orders. We often use can in a question to ask somebody to do something. This is not a real question – we do not really want to know if the person is able to do something, we want them to do it! The use of can in this way is informal (mainly between friends and family):. Can you make a cup of coffee, please.; Can you put the TV on.; Can you come here a minute.


Modals of Polite Request: Would you, Could you, Will you, Can you
The word please makes the request more polite and less direct. Canadians use please often and visitors are expected to ask for help politely, using please.. Possible positive answers to the questions above: Yes. Yes certainly. Certainly. Yes, of course. Of course.


Can, Could, Be Able to – Modal Verbs for Ability – Video
Let’s review the main points on can, could, be able to from the lesson: You can use can or could to talk about abilities in the past, present or future. Can/could and be able to usually have the same meaning. Sometimes, you need to use be able to, for example if you need to use a verb with -ing, or if you need to use the present perfect tense.


Could vs. Would – What’s the Difference? – Writing Explained
Could and would are related, but they mean different things. Could expresses possibility, while would expresses certainty and intent. A good way to remember the differences between these two words is simply to bring each word back to its root verb. Could is the past tense of can. Would is the past tense of will.


CAN / COULD / BE ABLE TO: Uses, Structures, and Examples (AUDIO Reading …
11 avr. 2023CAN. Can is used to talk about present–or general–abilities and possibilities. You can use it to talk about abilities, skills, or talents, and you can use it to talk about what is possible to do. For example: Serge can play the piano. (This means he has the ability to do this. It is one of his talents or skills.)
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