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https://www.britannica.com › biography › Millard-Fillmorehttps://www.britannica.com › biography › Millard-Fillmore
Millard Fillmore | Presidency, Accomplishments, & Facts
14 sept. 2023Millard Fillmore, 13th president of the United States (1850-53), whose insistence on federal enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 alienated the North and led to the destruction of the Whig Party. Elected vice president in 1848, he acceded to the presidency on the death of Zachary Taylor (July ).https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Millard_Fillmorehttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Millard_Fillmore
Millard Fillmore – Wikipedia
Millard Fillmore (January 7, 1800 – March 8, 1874) was the 13th president of the United States, serving from 1850 to 1853, the last to be a member of the Whig Party while in the White House.https://www.britannica.com › summary › Millard-Fillmorehttps://www.britannica.com › summary › Millard-Fillmore
Millard Fillmore summary | Britannica
Millard Fillmore, (born Jan. 7, 1800, Locke Township, N.Y., U.S.—died March 8, 1874, Buffalo, N.Y.), 13th president of the U.S. (1850-53).https://www.nps.gov › parkhistory › online_books › presidents › bio13.htmhttps://www.nps.gov › parkhistory › online_books › presidents › bio13.htm
National Park Service – The Presidents (Millard Fillmore)
The congressional deadlock was broken when Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois took over management of the compromise from the aged, ill, and exhausted Clay. This bipartisan approach, coupled with Douglas’ wise division of the compromise into a series of separate bills, eased its path.https://guides.loc.gov › presidential-inaugurations › 1829-1857https://guides.loc.gov › presidential-inaugurations › 1829-1857
U.S. Presidential Inaugurations: A Resource Guide – Library of Congress
10 oct. 2023This research guide features unique primary source materials from the Library of Congress for presidential inaugurations, 1789 to the present, including inaugural addresses, letters, diaries, photographs, prints, and sheet music.https://content.time.com › time › specials › packages › article › 0,28804,1879648_1879646_1879660,00.htmlhttps://content.time.com › time › specials › packages › article › 0,28804,1879648_1879646_1879660,00.html
Millard Fillmore – Top 10 Forgettable Presidents – TIME
13th President, 1850-53. Millard Fillmore’s rise to the presidency reads like a Horatio Alger tale: he was born in a log cabin on New York’s frontier before rising through the state’s political machine to the highest office in the land. All the ingredients for a great story were there. But his presidency would provide an utterly forgettable ending.https://www.washingtonpost.com › politics › 2021 › 01 › 16 › presidents-and-inauguration-ceremonieshttps://www.washingtonpost.com › politics › 2021 › 01 › 16 › presidents-and-inauguration-ceremonies
U.S. presidents and their inauguration ceremonies – The Washington Post
16 janv. 2021January 20, 2021 Every four years, an inaugural ceremony gives the nation a chance to celebrate a new beginning, and the president an opportunity to address the American people. Joe Biden became…https://www.nationalgeographic.com › history › history-magazine › article › know-nothings-and-nativismhttps://www.nationalgeographic.com › history › history-magazine › article › know-nothings-and-nativism
The Know-Nothings: America’s first anti-immigration paarty
Millard Fillmore, the American Party candidate in 1856, previously served as 13th president of the United States (1850-53). GRANGER/ALBUM Please be respectful of copyright.https://www.loc.gov › loc › lcib › 10078 › library.htmlhttps://www.loc.gov › loc › lcib › 10078 › library.html
Fillmore’s Foundation (July/August 2010) – Library of Congress …
It is a little-known fact that Millard Fillmore, the 13th president of the United States (1850-53), and his wife, Abigail, created the first permanent library in the White House. While many of their predecessors brought their personal libraries to the White House, they promptly removed them at the end of their stay.https://www.encyclopedia.com › people › history › us-history-biographies › millard-fillmorehttps://www.encyclopedia.com › people › history › us-history-biographies › millard-fillmore
Millard Fillmore | Encyclopedia.com
Millard Fillmore was a Whig, a member of the New York Assembly, a member of the U.S. Congress, vice president of the United States under zachary taylor, and the 13th president of the United States. Despite a personal dislike of slavery, he signed into law the fugitive slave act of 1850, among other bills that originated in the compromise of . lesoutrali bot
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