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where do books sleep riddle ?

  • State: Utah
  • Country: United States
  • Listed: 6 February 2024 0h13
  • Expires: 43 days, 5 hours



A Books Bed… Riddle And Answer – Riddles.com
Riddle: Where do books sleep? Answer: Between their c…


Start To Finish… Riddle And Answer – Riddles.com
Riddle: Where do bedtime books sleep? Answer: Under their cov…

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https://www.riddlesandanswers.com / v / 229473 / where-do-books-sleep
Sleeping Books Riddle – Riddles and Answers
Solved: 49% Show Answer Previous Riddle Next Riddle Add Your Riddle Here Have some tricky riddles of your own? Leave them below for our users to try and solve. Where do books sleep?


30+ Riddle Books with Answers – Riddles.com
Riddle: Where do bedtime books sleep? Answer: Under their covers. 3. Riddle: What English word has three consecutive double letters? Answer: Bookkeeper. 4. Riddle: What building has the most stories? Answer: The library. 5. Riddle: A teacher is yelling, she closes the door, the window, and a book. What did she forget to close? Answer: Her mouth. 6.


66 Sleep Riddles with Answers – Riddles.com
Answer: Because of night-bears. 6. Riddle: Where do butterflies sleep? Answer: On Caterpillows! 7. Riddle: How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep? Answer: You rock-it! 8. Riddle: Where do bedtime books sleep? Answer: Under their covers. 9. Riddle: Saws sing it, We snore it, Bees drone it; And one alone ends the alphabet. What is it?


6 riddles about books – SOLVE or DIE
Riddles about books. clean logic simple clever Reading in the dark. A girl is sitting in a house at night that has no lights on at all. … Show me the answer. 68.85 % 191 votes. Share riddle. clean simple Bedtime books. Where do bedtime books sleep? Under their covers. Show me the answer. 67.37 % 138 votes. Share . clean what am I Many …


Where do books sleep? | Thinkmad.in
Medium Riddles. Where do books sleep? Answer: Between their covers. Solution: Show Answer. Between their covers. …


Where do bedtime books – Riddles – Solve or Die
Where do bedtime books sleep? Show me the answer 67.37 % 138 votes Share riddle Similar riddles See also best riddles or new riddles. An ancient invention What is the ancient invention that allows people to see through walls? Show me the answer 76.43 % 170 votes Share riddle Ants on a Board


Where do books sleep? | Numerade
4 août 2023Where do books sleep? devops@numerade.com 2 days ago 1 min read. Between their covers.


36 Best Book Riddles For Kids With Answers – Find Motivation
13 févr. 20234. Don’t judge a book by its cover. What is the contradictory proverb? Answer: Clothes make the man. 5. Four legs I do have, yet I never walk. I work not, yet I have food. All the food I get, none do I eat but you do. I cannot read yet many times I’m found with books. lesoutrali bot


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