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seller refusing warranty

  • Street: street
  • City: forum contact
  • State: United Kingdom
  • Country: Autre
  • Zip/Postal Code: zipcode
  • Listed: 9 mars 2021 22 h 56 min
  • Expires: 13202 jours, 9 hours


In the February 20, I bought a car radio from him and when I got it I found an inaccuracy in advertising the product. It was said that the radio supports the SD card, but in fact there is no card slot. We solved this problem with the seller. In the February 20, I bought a car radio from him and when I got it I found an inaccuracy in advertising the product. It was said that the radio supports the SD card, but in fact there is no card slot. We solved this problem with the seller. Then, during installation by professional installers, other problems arose: it was impossible to connect a WiFi, I tried with an apple phone and an android phones, all tries were unsuccessful. Radio does not work right: AM stations are fixed incorrectly:Then, during installation by professional installers, other problems arose: it was impossible to connect a WiFi, I tried with an apple phone and an android phones, all tries were unsuccessful. Radio does not work right: AM stations are fixed incorrectly: as an example: 530AM becomes 531, 620AM-621, etc. The sound accordingly disappears or becomes distorted. The seller frankly takes time offering all sorts of unacceptable options, apparently waiting for the end of the warranty. We exchanged tons of letters where the seller promised to help me, although I don’t know how to repair electronics by correspondence. I suggested two options: sell me a second radio for 50% of the cost and I keep the bad radio, or send me a new one and in exchange I will immediately return to the seller a broken radio in the same box which new radio will come to me. I don’t know how long the seller venove_2016 will send me a new radio (frankly, I no longer trust him) , but you must understand that driving a car with an empty hole on the dashboard for a long time is very inconvenient and even dangerous, if you have to drive for a long time. I want to get my money back and forget about business with venove_2016


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Listing ID: 7642811782134338

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