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Listings tagged with 'standard' (5)


No option to Standard Transfer to bank

I am trying to transfer money from PayPal into my bank and its only giving me the option to do instant, not standard transfer. I […]

183 total views, 0 today


Create a standard link for payment without requiring PayPal Account

Is there a way to create a link (similar to PayPal.me) that doesn’t require someone to have a PayPal Account? I would like it to […]

189 total views, 0 today


standard transaction

anyone been charged a fee for a standard transaction to their bank and then with messaging get through only to be told (by a computer […]

156 total views, 1 today


Standard transfer from my PayPal account Balance to my bank account.

Am trying to make a Standard Transfer from my PayPal account Balance to my bank account but am being charged a 1% fee, I have […]

188 total views, 0 today


How do I create a coupon code for my PayPal buttons with a standard account...

I tried with the code in this link, but it doesn’t work… somebody can help me why? https://www.paypal.com/mq/smarthelp/article/how-do-i-create-a-discount-code-or-coupon-code-for-my-pa… Thanks.

161 total views, 0 today