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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colon_(punctuation)Colon (punctuation) – Wikipedia
The colon : is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots placed one above the other on the same vertical line. A colon often precedes an explanation, a list, a quotation, or a block quotation.https://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/colons.aspColons | When to Use a Colon | Rules and Usage
A colon means that is to say or here’s what I mean. Colons and semicolons should never be used interchangeably. Rule 1a. Use a colon to introduce an item or a series of items. Do not capitalize the first item after the colon (unless it’s a proper noun).https://www.thepunctuationguide.com/colon.htmlColon | The Punctuation Guide
The colon is used to separate two independent clauses when the second explains or illustrates the first. In such usage, the colon functions in much the same way as the semicolon. As with the semicolon, do not capitalize the first word after the colon unless the word is ordinarily capitalized.https://www.grammarly.com/blog/colon-2/When to Use a Colon: Grammar Rules With Examples | Grammarly
Colons are one of the most misunderstood punctuation marks in English, for native and non-native speakers alike. In this guide, we’ll address the proper use of colons and provide examples for reference.https://7esl.com/colon/Colon (:) When to Use a Colon with Colon Punctuation Rules • 7ESL
Because the colon came from Latin writers, this punctuation mark kept its pure meanings for Latin countries. It can happen that Latins will use the colon symbol too much, in order to make their writing much easier to write and read. It is said that this symbol was specially invented for lazy artists, in order…https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/37429Colon (punctuation) | Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
colon — 1. The colon is the punctuation mark that is least used and least well understood in ordinary writing (as distinct from printing). The principal difference between it and the semicolon lies in the relation of what precedes and follows each in the … Modern English usage.https://www.really-learn-english.com/colon-punctuation.htmlColon Punctuation – Rules and Examples
The colon is one of the easiest form of punctuation in the English languageת because it basically does one thing. Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Colon punctuation is used to introduce. Colons can introduce a word or words, a phrase, a list or a quotation.https://punctuationmarks.org/colon/Colon (:) When to Use a Colon with Colon… – Punctuation Marks
Learn how and when to use a colon (:) with examples and useful colon punctuation rules. The mark (:) in the middle of a sentence indicates that the second half of the sentence explains or provides examples of what is described in the first half.https://www.icaltefl.com/colon/Colons in English Punctuation
A Colon is a punctuation mark in English. It consists of two round dots, one above the other (although occasionally these are small squares). Note that the colon is a very different punctuation mark to the semicolon and although they have similar names (because they look similar), they are not really…https://www.gingersoftware.com/content/grammar-rules/colons/When to Use a Colon | Punctuation Rules & Examples | Ginger
What are Colons? The colon is a punctuation mark that looks like two periods stacked one on top the other ( A colon is used to create separation between an independent clause and a list or explanation. It is also a very useful tool for separating independent clauses from quotations.
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什么时候回中国不用隔离 ?
https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/谷歌退出中国大陆事件谷歌退出中国大陆事件 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/谷歌退出中国大陆事件 谷歌退出中国大陆事件是指2010年Google公司因内容审查问题与中国政府出现分歧,并最终关闭中国版网页搜索服务,转用香港域名(www.google.com.hk)及服务器为中国用户提供简体中文服务的事件,该网址最终也无法在中国大陆地区访问。https://www.jianshu.com/p/95a8f035c86c归一化 (Normalization)、标准化 (Standardization… | 简书 https://www.jianshu.com/p/95a8f035c86c 这篇博客提到他的经验:1) 在分类、聚类算法中,需要使用距离来度量相似性的时候、或者使用PCA技术进行降维的时候,第二种方法(Z-score standardization)表现更好。 比如用树的时候就是各个维度各算各的切分点,没所谓。https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/world-57168596以色列巴勒斯坦加沙冲突:在社交媒体上各抒己见的美籍年轻人 – Bbc… https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/world-57168596 莱拉亿述:我在社区里跟孩子们玩耍,所有女孩子都是巴勒斯坦人,然后男孩子会扮演以色列士兵,玩着什么战争游戏的。 她说:我那时候就是个小女孩,很怕以军士兵,不用谁教我,都知道他们对我们不安好心。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKBlG24ycAE我是特种兵之利刃出鞘 高清版 第01… – YouTube 剧情简介:在中国特种兵狼牙特战基地,一大批士兵整装待发。何志军对战士们讲话,说他们要执行一项特殊的任务,就是去西南边境寻找一颗回收的人造卫星,于是战士们登上了飞机,展开了搜寻任务。何卫东和战友在飞机上聊天,他说自己好久没给儿子打电话了,言语里满是思念剧。https://www.baidu.combaidu.com https://www.baidu.com […]
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什么时候 in english ?
https://en.bab.la/dictionary/chinese-english/什么时候什么时候 – Translation in English – bab.la https://en.bab.la/dictionary/chinese-english/什么时候 Context sentences for 什么时候 in English. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. […]
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尽力而为 英文 ?
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寻找古早味 ?
https://www.klnow.com.my/15-must-try-food-in-bukit-mertajam-penang/klnow.com.my/15-must-try-food-in-bukit-mertajam-penang 【寻找老字号!】槟城大山脚古早味美食 · 保证满足吃货们的味蕾! 【寻找老字号!】 槟城大山脚古早味美食 · 保证满足吃货们的味蕾! 从原本的小档口到现在已扩展成店面,举丰是大山脚人从小吃到大的古早味! 从早上5点就开始开档售卖,大概早上9点就会卖完~而傍晚也是开档几小时就可以卖完!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QqD08uCaVk寻找手艺 05 往南,再往北 – YouTube 一部行走式的纪录片,没有华丽的画面勾引你的眼球、没有绝妙的悬念刺激你的期待。它只展现真诚,安安静静地和你讲述一系列属于中国自己的、温暖的故事。 本片舍弃了欧美流行的导演式拍摄,全片随机拍摄,拒绝一切摆拍,以及人为的导演。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLDzydu-bMg【 尋找野生膳魚黃金鱔入手】六十年古早味清香鱔魚麵(說明附店家資訊) 【 尋找野生鱔魚驚見黃金鱔入手】60年古早味清香鱔魚麵 這次瑋薇來到台南,要來學一道古早味的料理,但在學這道料理之前,要先去捉到這道料理最重要的主角-野生鱔魚. 店家資訊:清香鱔魚麵 新址:台南市新營區民治路50-1號 電話:06-6328341 營業時間…https://www.zhihu.comzhihu.com https://www.zhihu.com […]
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什么是pua ?
https://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/职场PUA职场pua – Mba智库百科 https://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/职场PUA PUA,全称是Pick-up Artist,这是起源于美国的搭讪艺术,原本是用于男女两性交往的一套方法,后被引申为一种包含控制、操纵、凌虐他人 职场PUA的表现通常是: 你太差了,什么都做不好——通过否定来实施精神打压.PUA是什么意思?pua名词解释-pua行业分析等 www.cengji.com/a/gs/ PUA是什么意思? pua当中有一些专有名词,大多数来自于那本原始著作《迷男方法》,本栏目讲所有的名词进行了符合新时代特性的重新解释,可让大家走出泥潭(拒绝泡学中.职场pua是什么梗 职场pua是什么意思_一聚教程网 www.111com.net/xinxianshi/188030.htm 职场pua是什么梗? 广义职场PUA:在职场中广义的PUA,不限于两性关系,而是领导与下属之间甚至同事之间,利用言语、利益进行控制,通过语言打击否定等心理暗示,令你丧失自.Pua网址导航 – 学pua从这里开始 www.ipurelove.com PUA学院,为大家每天分享各种追女孩子的技巧还有谈恋爱的方法,为广大男性同胞提供正确增加个人魅力的各种视频、音频、原创文章. 程,乌鸦救赎PUA教程等200余位导师的价值数万元的课程,PUALAW,让你用最小的代价学习PUA!https://www.puayou.com撩妹情感教程-泡妮网 | Pua情感教程发货流程 https://www.puayou.com PUA情感教程. 白天约会篇. […]
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