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或者 or 还是 ?

  • Listed: 29 May 2021 19 h 40 min
  • Expires: 9329 days, 1 hour



Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese
Good for you! Nonetheless, we’re going to see here how to say or in Chinese. It’s always useful to know how to offer choices when you’re asking a question, and to have a way to give options, isn’t it? In Chinese, both 或者 (huòzhě) and 还是 (háishì) mean or but they are used in different situations.


Comparing haishi and huozhe – Chinese Grammar Wiki
Comparing haishi and huozhe. Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to present a choice. However, 还是 is normally used when asking a question, and 或者 is mostly for declarative sentences. When asking a question, 还是 can be used to provide choices or options.


What is the difference between 或是 and 还是? – Quora
But the difference is that 或是 is used in the declarative sentence but 还是 is used in the interrogative sentence or the declarative sentence which contains When both mean or, 还是 is used in question, uncertainty whereas 或者 is to state the options. Examples: You can have tea or coffee. 你可以喝茶或…


Two Words Meaning OR – 还是 vs. 或者 – ChineseClass101
Okay, the next difference is in everyday language or in colloquial language or speech. You can usually omit 或者 (huòzhĕ). You forgot it again. So today, we have learned the difference between 还是 (haíshì) and 或者 huòzhĕ. If you like this lesson, please give us a big thumbs up and subscribe to our…


Learn about or in Chinese

Learn about “or” in Chinese (还是 VS 或者)

Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to present a choice. The usages of these two Chinese grammar conjunctions often confuse beginners while taking Chinese lesson. However, 还是 can only be used when asking a question and 或者 can only be used in a declarative sentence.


Two Ways to Say Or in Chinese with 或者 and 还是 | ChineseFor.Us
So 或者 and 还是 both suggests offering options, and are usually translated as or in English. The difference is that, 或者 is offering options in a declarative sentence/a statement to offer options, while 还是 is usually offering options to ask a question. We’ll learn about 或者 first.


Lesson Plan: Chinese Grammar Conjunctions… – BrightHub Education
The use of Chinese grammar conjunctions 还是 and 或者【háishì and huòzhě】often confuse beginners while taking Mandarin Chinese lesson. a. 还是【háishì=or】is used in interrogative Mandarin Chinese sentence as an alternative question that anticipates a choice from the response.


或者 – Wiktionary
或者. or. A或者B ― A huòzhě B ― A or B. In Mandarin, 或者 is exclusively used in statements, while 還是/还是 (háishì) is only used in questions. The inclusion of 還是/还是 in a sentence replaces the need for 嗎/吗 (ma) as a question word.


Модальные глаголы…
Изучаем китайский язык с нуля! 第二十六课 – Урок 26. Я учусь, чтобы стать… 我要研究中国文学. 安德烈: 我们走吧。 Āndéliè: Wǒmen zǒu ba. 玛沙: 还早呢、我要再跟丁云谈谈。 丁云、你会说俄语和英语、你以后想做什么工作? Māsha: Hái zǎo ne, wǒ yào zài gēn Dīng Yún tántan.


Модальные глаголы в китайском языке – hscake

Модальные глаголы в китайском языке


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或者 or 还是 ?

https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Comparing_haishi_and_huozheComparing haishi and huozhe – Chinese Grammar Wiki https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Comparing_haishi_and_huozhe Comparing haishi and huozhe. Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to […]

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或者 or 还是 ?

https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Comparing_haishi_and_huozheComparing haishi and huozhe – Chinese Grammar Wiki https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Comparing_haishi_and_huozhe Comparing haishi and huozhe. Both 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) mean or and are used to […]

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或者 or 还是 ?

https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59 Good for you! Nonetheless, we’re going to see here how to say or in Chinese. […]

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或者 or 还是 ?

https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59 Good for you! Nonetheless, we’re going to see here how to say or in Chinese. […]

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