哪里 or 哪儿 ?
- Listed: 22 May 2021 19 h 40 min
- Expires: 9329 days, 23 hours
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language…
That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so you are essentially right about it just being a sound. Southerners are less likely to curl their tongues like When one is praised or flattered, 哪里 or 哪里哪里 is generally considered a proper, polite and humble response in Chinese culture.https://www.italki.com/post/question-59412italki – What is the difference between 哪里 and 哪儿 or in general…
hi…..i will try my best to show you! sometimes they have the same meaning :where,for example:where is my watch?(我的手表在哪里?or 我的手表在哪儿?) but sometimes 哪里 has another meaning: some kinds of words about courtesy ! for example: anna said—-wow, your chinese is really goodhttps://forum.duolingo.com/comment/33622638/What-s-the-difference-between-哪里and-哪儿What’s the difference between 哪里and 哪儿? – Duolingo | Forum
I’ve been getting confused about when to use 哪里and 哪儿. According to Duolingo, both mean where and are interchangable, but are there certain conditions where one is used over the other?https://www.chinese-forums.com/forums/topic/8623-哪儿nar-or-哪里-nali-in-shanghai/哪儿(nar) or 哪里 (nali) in Shanghai ? – Shanghai – Chinese-forums.com
If you say 哪儿 in Shanghai/Hangzhou, as a foreigner, there’s a good chance they’ll laugh at you. Anytime I want to get a cheap laugh, I speak with the Northern accent and excessively use 儿. My friends in Shanghai certainly don’t laugh at me when I use 哪儿. I asked them which is better and…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35MzcyVMFpchow to ask where is in Chinese Mandarin na li 哪里 ? OR 哪儿
IF you think his video is helpful for you then please subscribe or thumb up so the others can see it and use it.https://pandarin.net/new-hsk/level1/New HSK 2021 Level 1 ️ 500 Vocabulary Word List | Pandarin
哪里 哪裡. nǎ lǐ. where.https://bkrs.info/slovo.php?ch=你从哪儿来的多久没吃东西了你从哪儿来的多久没吃东西了
你从哪儿来的多久没吃东西了. разг. где?, куда? (вм. 哪里 кроме 5).https://hscake.ru/interrogative_pronouns/Предлоги направления – Школа китайского языка и культуры
在 + место + V 张:他爸爸妈妈在哪里工作? Zhāng: Tā bàba māma zài nǎli gōngzuò?https://touch.qunar.comtouch.qunar.com
去哪儿.https://cidian.ru/r.php?q=的Русско-китайский разговорник
Ни хэнь пхяолян! Что вы, что вы. 哪里,哪里。 [nǎlǐ, nǎlǐ]. Нали, нали. Чхаоцзи шичхан цзай на и цхэн? Где здесь выход? 出口在哪儿? [chūkǒu zài nǎr]. Чхукхоу цзайнар?
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哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
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哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
234 total views, 1 today
哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
310 total views, 1 today
哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
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哪里 or 哪儿 ?
https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaningetymology – 哪儿 vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? – Chinese Language… https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/9131/哪儿-vs-哪里-difference-in-meaning That is, when they say 在哪 it comes out sounding like 在哪儿, so […]
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锅盖头 ?
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当他们抓走 ?
https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/貝奧武夫貝奧武夫 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/貝奧武夫 《贝武夫》(英語:Beowulf,古英語:Bēowulf),或译贝奥武甫、北獒武夫、裴欧沃夫、表沃夫,完成于西元8世纪,约750年左右的英雄叙事长诗,长达3182行。故事的舞台位于北欧的斯堪的纳维亚半岛。是以古英语记载的传说中最古老的一篇,在语言学方面也是相当珍贵的文献。https://s.weibo.com/weibo?q=#袁隆平去世#&Refer=top微博搜索 https://s.weibo.com/weibo?q=#袁隆平去世#&Refer=tophttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWQ8dX-_mLs《红楼梦》 87版播出30年,他们一直没走出来 – YouTube 《红楼梦》87版播出30年,他们一直没走出来. 【鲁豫有约大咖一日行第3季】第六期:他们的后红楼时代 每个人心中的红楼梦[原画版].https://kartaslov.ru/книги/Владимир_Щичко_Китайский_язык_Полный_курс_перевода/2Китайский язык. Полный курс перевода. НАЧАЛЬНЫЙ КУРС… https://kartaslov.ru/книги/Владимир_Щичко_Китайский_язык_Полный_курс_перевода/2 1. 干革命,人越多越好。 2. 他们越干越会干、越敢干。 3. 无论现在还是将来,进步的主要动力仍然是人。https://www.reddit.com/r/China_irl/comments/mxynrf/深房理事件也太恐怖了有无懂哥来讲讲/深房理事件也太恐怖了,有无懂哥来讲讲 […]
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当我 遇 到 挫折的时候作文 ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdWQaecFyyo汪峰 — 当我想你的时候 – YouTube 那一天我漫步在夕阳下 看见一对恋人相互依偎 那一刻往事涌上心头 刹那间我泪如雨下昨夜我竟呆立雨中 望着街对面一动不动 那一刻仿佛回到从前 不由的我已泪留满面至少有十年我不曾流泪 至少有十首歌给我安慰 可现在我会莫名的哭泣 当我想你的时候生命就象是一场告别 从起点对一切说再…https://www.baimalou.com/category/2/辣文小说_辣文书籍推荐 – 白马楼小说 https://www.baimalou.com/category/2/ 她不也把男人玩的风生水起? 但她却也一直好奇着,朋友kou中那温柔缱绻的〝ai情〞。 而她因为不想要被父母约束着,只好跑到敌对的他的公司里,当着他的小秘书。 却不知dao从甚么时候开始,他看着她的眼里,不再只有似笑非笑,而是满是温柔宠溺?https://blog.csdn.net/xiajun07061225/article/details/128448012014找工作总结-机会往往留给有准备的人_江南烟雨-csdn博客 https://blog.csdn.net/xiajun07061225/article/details/12844801 不得不说,面试也看眼缘和运气,有时候问的东西刚好是自己都会的,有的时候容易遇到挫折。 […]
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哪里 ee ?
https://eoivisa.com/ee/加拿大移民快速通道 Express Entry – EOIvisa | 新生代签证移民事务所 https://eoivisa.com/ee/ 2021年04月01日邀请分数:432(仅限CEC类别) 2015年1月开始,加拿大把所有的的联邦类的技术类移民都并入了快速通道系统,这个系统和之前移民…https://www.facebook.com/Fonctionpublique.ci/eki.ee eki.ee Przekieruj do eki.ee.https://www.neti.eeNETI – Eesti Interneti Kataloog ja Otsingusüsteem https://www.neti.ee Neti.ee. Postimees. Reklaam. Tellimine. […]
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