或者 in a sentence ?
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https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese
…declarative sentences – a declarative sentence is a statement, a sentence that ends with a full stop -, whereas 还是 is your go-to word if you want to offer choices in a question. These sentences may not technically be questions, but they contained implied questions and choices, so you still use 还是.https://www.italki.com/article/171/simple-and-complex-sentence-patterns-in-chineseitalki – Simple And Complex Sentence Patterns In Chinese
Chinese sentences can be divided into two categories: simple and complex sentences. In terms of the relationship between the simple sentences in a complex sentence, we define the following kinds of complex sentences in Chinese as belowhttps://wordsinasentence.com/extol-in-a-sentence/Extol: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE
Examples of Extol in a sentence. Because Helen and Gina were jealous of their sister’s good fortune, they did not extol her when she won the academic scholarship. . I got angry when my mother would extol my brother’s accomplishments and ignore all the good things I did. .https://sentencedict.com/pretence.htmlPretence in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb…)
107+9 sentence examples: 1. If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying-pam. 2. It was all an elaborate pretence. 8. She isn’t really ill; it’s only pretence. 9. Their friendliness was only pretence. 10. The playwright cocooned himself in a world of pretence.https://sentence.yourdictionary.com/henceUse hence in a sentence | The best 498 hence sentence examples
How to use hence in a sentence. Example sentences with the word hence. Marine Soap. – These soaps are so named because they are not insoluble in a strong solution of salt; hence they form a lather and can be used for washing with sea-water.https://www.collinsdictionary.com/zh/dictionary/english/sentenceSentence 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典
Sentence 释义: A sentence is a group of words which, when they are written down, begin with a capital… | 意思、发音、翻译及示例. punishment In a law court, a sentence is the punishment that a person receives after they have been found guilty of a crime.https://www.translateen.com/sentence/ensure-in-sentence-examples/Use ensure in a sentence | ensure sentence examples
3. TranslateEN.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 4. Government inspections ensure a high degree of uniformity in the standard of service. 5. Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene. 6. Ensure that all the waste is properly and…https://sentence.wordhippo.comFind examples of how to use any word or phrase in a sentence with…
Words in a sentence. find it. Sentence generator powered by WordHippo.https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/sentencesentence | meaning of sentence in Longman Dictionary of…
sentence meaning, definition, what is sentence: a group of words that usually contains a…: Learn more. He got a 10-year prison sentence.• a six-year prison sentence• Try to write using short, punchy sentences.• Describe your best friend in a single sentence.•https://www.grammarwiz.com/parts-of-a-sentence.htmlParts of a Sentence: Subject, Verbs, Objects, Predicates, Complements
The main two parts of a sentence are the subject and predicate, with the subject identifying whom or what the sentence is about and the predicate giving more It is usually a noun or pronoun and can also include modifying words, phrases or clauses. Here are some examples of subjects in a sentence
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或者 in a sentence ?
https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59 …declarative sentences – a declarative sentence is a statement, a sentence that ends with a […]
208 total views, 1 today
或者 in a sentence ?
https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59 …declarative sentences – a declarative sentence is a statement, a sentence that ends with a […]
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或者 in a sentence ?
https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59Using 或者 and 还是 to say or – Ninchanese https://app.ninchanese.com/stage/grammar-lesson/47/59 …declarative sentences – a declarative sentence is a statement, a sentence that ends with a […]
234 total views, 1 today
如何量腰围 ?
https://zh.wikihow.com/测量腰围如何测量腰围: 5 步骤(包含图片) https://zh.wikihow.com/测量腰围 如果你需要为某些特殊场合穿定制的衣服,比如婚礼,舞会,或者是演奏会,等等,测量腰围会对你的健康或体重的增减有非常大的帮助。 要为测量在你的健康中扮演非常重要的角色。 女性的腰围应该小于88.9厘米,男性的腰围应该小于101.6厘米。https://4images-1mot.net/mots-de-7-lettres/腰围怎么量|如何正确量腰围 – 魔客科学减肥 | 魔客 www.mokee.me/jianfei/11-3.html 腰围怎么量? 量腰围的位置,既不是通过肚脐眼的一圈,也不是腰部最粗的地方。 记住皮尺在肚脐上下的位置(比如肚脐上一个手指头的位置),下次就可以直接通过这个位置量取腰围。 男性腰围大于 90 厘米,女性大于 80 厘米,为有腹部肥胖。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLwvY9sa-jc如何正確量腰圍 – YouTube 如何正確量腰圍. micopan. Загрузка… […]
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怎么心静 ?
https://bkrs.info/slovo.php?ch=心静自然凉Перевод ‘心静自然凉’ с китайского на русский: посл. спокойное… https://bkrs.info/slovo.php?ch=心静自然凉 (谚语)内心宁静,则自然感到凉爽。 如:「俗话说得好:『心静自然凉』,你这样焦急毛躁,走来走去的,怎么不满身大汗!」https://www.medtronic.com/cn-zh/your-health/conditions/coronary-artery-disease.html冠心病 https://www.medtronic.com/cn-zh/your-health/conditions/coronary-artery-disease.html 遇到问题怎么办. 如果您对美敦力设备或者相关健康教育信息有疑问,请联系患者服务热线:400-820-0869。https://movie.douban.com/subject/2117898/寂静岭2 (豆瓣) https://movie.douban.com/subject/2117898/ 2 回应. 2020-01-10. 那些教徒是怎么来到第一世界的? 不是被困住了么? 来自岑带村儿.https://www.okdyy.com/hanguolunli/page-6/心声社区 xinsheng.huawei.com 地位相当于中将,美军中的首席士官长是怎么… 业界动态.https://weibo.comweibo.com […]
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当我软弱你没有离场 ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJhUuyiyxCQ957复盘RNG对阵DK:可能米哈游里面没有这么尔虞我诈 – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJhUuyiyxCQ 香锅复盘RNG战胜DK:下路打的太好了 小wei莫甘娜熟练度太低 作用几乎没有 玩得很有问题!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWgj5s0shmU你离开了南京 从此没有人跟我说话 洗心革面 李志跨年音乐 – YouTube 你离开了南京 从此没有人跟我说话 洗心革面 李志跨年音乐. Джем – 你离开了南京 从此没有人跟我说话 洗心革面 李志跨年音乐. YouTube.https://zhidao.baidu.comzhidao.baidu.com https://zhidao.baidu.com […]
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Анастасия Заворотнюк ?
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