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Harriet Tubman ?

  • Listed: 23 May 2021 11 h 40 min
  • Expires: 9327 days, 14 hours



Harriet Tubman – Wikipedia
Harriet Tubman (born Araminta Ross, c. March 1822 – March 10, 1913) was an American abolitionist and political activist. Born into slavery…


Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman is an American hero. She was born enslaved, liberated herself, and returned to the area of her birth many times to lead family, friends, and other enslaved African Americans north to…


Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman is an American hero and an icon of freedom, a five-foot-tall African American abolitionist who guided hundreds of slaves away from the bondage of slavery.


Harriet Tubman – Quotes, Movie & Death – Biography
Harriet Tubman escaped slavery to become a leading abolitionist. She led hundreds of enslaved people to freedom along the route of the Underground Railroad.


Harriet Tubman: Facts, Underground Railroad & Legacy – HISTORY
Harriet Tubman was an escaped enslaved woman who became a conductor on the Underground Railroad, leading enslaved people to freedom before the Civil War, all.


Harriet Tubman Biography | National Women’s History Museum
Tubman’s exact birth date is unknown, but estimates place it between 1820 and 1822 in Dorchester County, Maryland. Born Araminta Ross, the daughter of Harriet Green and Benjamin Ross…


The Incredible Life Of Harriet Tubman, From Slave To Spy To…
Harriet Tubman, born around 1822, fought for the abolition of slavery and for women’s right to vote After crossing the Mason-Dixon line on foot, Harriet Tubman went back to guide dozens of slaves to…


Harriet Tubman | Biography, Facts, & Underground Railroad | Britannica
Harriet Tubman is credited with conducting upward of 300 enslaved people along the Underground Railroad from the American South to Canada. She showed extraordinary courage, ingenuity…


Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman summary: Harriet Tubman is often called the Moses of her people for leading so many of them out of bondage to freedom. She was an abolitionist…


Harriet Tubman (U.S. National Park Service)
Harriet Tubman died in 1913 in Auburn, New York at the home she purchased from Secretary of State William Seward in 1859, where she established the Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged.


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