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或者 sentence ?

  • Listed: 27 May 2021 15 h 01 min
  • Expires: 9548 days, 20 hours



或者 (huòzhě) sentence structure – YouTube

In this video we shall discuss the grammar and structure of 或者 (huòzhě) , how to use in sentences.


或者 Example Sentences – Mandarin Chinese-English… – YellowBridge
Free online talking dictionary with sample sentences, handwriting recognition, fuzzy pinyin matches, word decomposition, etc. 你或者我会被选中。


或者 meaning and pronunciation – translate 或者 in… | HSK Academy
Simplified/traditional word. 或者 English definition. huò zhě. or. Sentences examples with 或者.


italki – Simple And Complex Sentence Patterns In Chinese
Complex sentences are those that have more than one subject and predicate, and different parts of a Conjunctions that are used in this kind of complex sentences include: ……, 或者……; 是…., 还是…


sentence – WordReference.com 英汉词典
run-on sentence nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. This is an example of a run-on sentence because it contains several thoughts and besides it has too many words.


Модальные глаголы в китайском языке – hscake

Модальные глаголы в китайском языке



Sentence dictionary online – Good sentence examples for every word!
Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentence examples for almost every word. We try our best to collect and create good sentences and wish you can make…


Sentence 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典
Sentence 释义: A sentence is a group of words which, when they are written down, begin with a… They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination. He was given a four-year sentence.


Sentence Examples | Examples of Words Used in a Sentence
Sentence examples index {indexKey} for YourDictionary.com. With this sentence maker, simply type a word in the search bar and see a variety of sentences with that word used in its different ways.


Sentence – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:Ali is walking.

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怎么样 ?

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水蒸气 什么型态 ?

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发生了什么事translate to english ?

https://translate.yandex.com/translator/Chinese-EnglishChinese-English online translator and dictionary – Yandex.Translate https://translate.yandex.com/translator/Chinese-English Free online translation from Chinese into English and back, Chinese-English dictionary with transcription, pronunciation, and examples of […]

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怎么找iphone ?

https://support.apple.com/zh-cn/HT210515使用查找App 定位丢失的设备或物品 – Apple 支持 https://support.apple.com/zh-cn/HT210515 对于 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch、Apple Watch、Mac、AirPods 产品或是受支持的 Beats 产品,如果您忘了将它们放在哪里,您还可以通过家人共享群组中某个成员所拥有的设备来使用查找App,或. 了解如果某件个人物品或 AirTag 已连接到另一个 Apple ID,该怎么做。https://support.apple.com/zh-cn/HT204308查找 Apple 产品的序列号 – Apple 支持 https://support.apple.com/zh-cn/HT204308 了解如何查找 […]

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为什么iphone屏幕突然变暗 ?

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