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Sorry this recipient can’t accept personal payments.

  • Numéro de téléphone: forum contact
  • Pays de l'annonce: United Kingdom
  • Ville de l'annonce: Autre
  • Commune: zipcode
  • Quartier: street
  • Répertoriée 7 février 2021 16 h 56 min
  • Expires: 12947 jours, 14 hours


Hi, who can help me with this Trying to send a gift to family in Mexico Paypal and says the following


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PayPal Cash Card Replacement

A couple months back I cancelled my PayPal Cash Card due to an unauthorized purchase. Now when I try to get a new one it […]

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I’m trying to set up a subscription product. fill in the first form click next blue wheel appears and two seconds I’m back to the […]

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I have to ask…I was going to get a room for a Client

I was going to get a room for my client but they said no.. okay so I refund my client back his we never […]

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Can’t link to bank account

Hi! When I want to connect my Paypal to my bank account, I get option to connect only to U.S. bank account. And, I need […]

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Payment not received

Hi. I was sent a payment at 3.15pm on Thursday but there is nothing showing in my account.

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f cfa .10,000

New2021 Revoflex Xtreme Neuf Sceller

Description : Revoflex xtreme neuf sceller qualité supérieure vous permet de développer vos muscles abdominaux et vos adducteurs Prix promo : 10 000 F CFA […]

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Please note the new delivery date and complete checkout.

Can’t finish order keeps giving a red popup that says Please note the new delivery date and complete checkout. Although I can’t make any changes […]

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Dentiers Grillz

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Conducteur De Tricycle Disponible

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f cfa .20,000


Description :Location d’appartement meublé sis à la rivera palmeraie résidentiel tout équipé pour vous assurer un séjour agréable climatisé et sécurisé . banque à proximité. […]

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