whose can be used for non living things ?
- Listed: 14 September 2021 2 h 30 min
https://www.mvorganizing.org/can-whose-be-used-for-non-living-things/Can whose be used for non living things? – Mvorganizing.org
Can whose be used for non living things? We should use which when referring to inanimate objects. Hence, refrain from using whose for non-living things. We use whose to introduce a relative clause indicating possession by people, animals and things: John works with that other chap whose name I can’t remember.https://www.quora.com/Can-I-use-whose-for-non-living-things-also?share=1Can I use ‘whose’ for non living things also? – Quora
whose to Refer to Inanimate Objects There is no dispute about using whose to refer to a person or animal. There is, however, some argument about whether it’s OK to use whose to refer to something that’s not a person or animal: a car or a tree, for…https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/whose-used-for-inanimate-objectsUsing ‘Whose’ for Objects and Things | Merriam-Webster
The list of authors who have used whose for inanimate objects over the centuries includes such last-name notables as Shakespeare, Milton, Austen, and Fitzgerald. The mannequin, whose judgmental pose seems to imply disapproval, doesn’t really care which word you use. I could a tale unfold whose lightest word / Would harrow up thy soul…https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/4786/using-who-for-things-nonliving-beingspronouns – Using who for things (nonliving beings …
But since modern English doesn’t have different possessive pronoun for nonliving beings, we can use whosefor both people and objects. In fact, Merriam-Webstersays, The notion that ‘whose’ may not properly be used of anything except persons is a superstition.https://psichologyanswers.com/library/lecture/read/236891-can-their-be-used-for-non-living-thingsCan their be used for non living things?
Can their be used for non living things? Yes, you can always do that. It has nothing to do with being alive, them/their is just the pronoun for any plural noun, whether the singular was he, she or it. Unlike the singular it which always implies a non-person, the plural pronouns they, them, and those do not.https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/whose-for-inanimate-objectsWhose for Inanimate Objects | Grammar Girl
Whose to Refer to Inanimate Objects There is no dispute about using whose to refer to a person or animal. There is, however, some argument about whether it’s OK to use whose to refer to something that’s not a person or animal: a car or a tree, for instance.https://byjus.com/biology/living-and-non-living-things/Living and Non living Things – Characteristics And Difference
All living things breathe, eat, grow, move, reproduce and have senses. Non-living things do not eat, grow, breathe, move and reproduce. They do not have senses. Living things have life, though some might not show its evident signs. For instance, a tree would probably not react the same way a human would.https://www.expertsglobal.com/can-whose-be-used-for-things-or-objects-on-gmatCan Whose be Used for Things or Objects on GMAT …
Can Whose be Used for Things or Objects There is a persistent grammatical myth that the word whose can only be used to refer to people and not inanimate objects. However, this common assumption is incorrect, and buying into it can trip you up in your GMAT sentence correction.https://www.vedantu.com/biology/living-and-non-living-thingLiving and Non-Living Things – Introduction …
Living things can reproduce and produce offspring of their own. Non-living things cannot reproduce and neither can they produce their offspring. Living things die due to age, disease or cell death, organ failure, etc. Non-living things never cease to exist unless they are destroyed by an external force.https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/23541/can-whose-refer-to-an-inanimate-objectgrammaticality – Can whose refer to an inanimate object …
The word whose is used in several different grammatical ways. For some of these (see my original answer below), it has been grammatical to use it for inanimate objects, at least since the days of Shakespeare. For others (see my update), it is only used for people or animals.
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