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Have you already tried to ?

  • Listed: 9 April 2024 13 h 12 min


Have you already tried to ?

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present perfect – Did you already…? and Have you already …
With already, they mean the same thing. The function implied by already is a completed action in the past with present result. The difference between the two types is Americans tend to prefer the simple past version, while everyone else –including Canadians– prefers the present perfect.
Past Simple or Present Perfect: tried or have tried
0. I’ve tried to help you. The action happened in the past but I don’t say when. I tried to help you yesterday. The action happened in the past but I say when. More Examples: You can use the account that you’ve already created. You can use the account that you already created. I’ve sent you an email.


idiomatic language – Have you tried/Did you try – English Language …
1. To me as a Br E speaker, have you tried carries the implication that the patient started taking the pills recently and would be expected to be feeling the effects now. Did you try could (but doesn’t necessarily) refer to an occasion further back in the past. – Kate Bunting. May 17, 2020 at 11:58.

https://ludwig.guru / s / have+you+already+tried+to

https://ludwig.guru / s / have+you+already+tried+to
have you already tried to | English examples in context | Ludwig
If you have already tried to pay off your energy debts with a payment plan, but been unsuccessful, then getting a prepayment meter may be your only option other than being disconnected, say Citizen’s Advice. The Guardian – Money. 7.


have you already tried | English examples in context | Ludwig
1. WikiHow. You have already tried telling your mother, and nothing has happened. 2. Huffington Post. If you have already tried telling the person that you want out of the relationship, and they continue to try to manipulate you into staying, threaten you, or you don’t feel safe just leaving because they might try to hurt , your pets, or …


Past Simple or Present Perfect: Tried or Have Tried
However in American English, you can normally use Simple Past instead of Present Perfect, so the following rules rarely apply to American English. Signal words: If signal words explicitly define that the event is in past, you have to use Simple Past. eg. Example sentence: I phoned Mary 2 minutes ago.


Present perfect simple ( I have worked ) – Cambridge Grammar
Present perfect simple ( I have worked ) – English Grammar Today – a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage – Cambridge Dictionary


r/EnglishLearning on Reddit: Have you tried/did you try
Have you tried it? = there is still an opportunity to try the salad; there is still salad on the buffet table. Did you try it? = the salad is gone/people ate it all already. In American English, we often say #2. Native English speakers from England, Australia, and Africa have told me this is a ‘very American’ thing. 1.


What’s the difference between Have you ever tried canoeing? Did you …
Yes, ever is appropriate in either past or present tense, with or without the perfect, provided (1) it occurs in a negative environment (ever is a Negative Polarity Item), and (2) the clause refers to some continuous period of time.Both of these conditions are met in your questions: (1) questions are negative environments, and (2) the clause refers to the period of the addressee’s lifetime.


Speaking Level 2: Have you tried…? – Convo English
A) Good. Let’s watch it together tonight. I have 2 tickets. B) Sounds good to me. Use these free English lessons to learn the most common sentence patterns in the English language. If you learn these sentences and questions, it will help you speak English well. Study the lessons thoroughly, practice making your own sentences, and come back to …


What is the difference between have you already tried … – HiNative
Synonym for have you already tried? @yyuinoyui They are the same. You can use either. English (US) French (France) German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Simplified Chinese (China) Spanish (Mexico) Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Turkish Vietnamese
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