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which or that ?

  • Listed: 12 May 2021 23 h 40 min
  • Expires: 9271 days, 17 hours



That ou which-anglais
That ou which Comment choisir entre that et which ? Ce sont tous les deux des pronoms relatifs. La différence est très mince. Il faut se mettre dans la tête de l’énonciateur pour savoir ce qu’il a voulu dire.


That vs. Which: When Do You Use Each? – Dictionary.com
Luckily there’s an easy way to remember whether to use that or which. If the relative clause contains information that is not essential to the meaning of the sentence, and is also preceded by a comma, a dash, or parenthesis, it’s probably nonrestrictive, so use which. If not, odds are it’s restrictive, so use that.


Which vs. That: Correct Usage | Merriam-Webster
However, if the source of your trouble is the issue of that and which we may be of some small assistance. Use ‘which’ or ‘that’ to introduce a restrictive clause, and ‘which’ to introduce a nonrestrictive clause.


Which vs. That: How to Choose | Grammarly
In a defining clause, use that. In non-defining clauses, use which. Remember, which is as disposable as a sandwich bag. If you can remove the clause without destroying the meaning of the sentence, the clause is nonessential and you can use which.


That Or Which? | Lexico
Restrictive relative clauses are typically introduced by that, as well as by whose, who, or whom. Note that in British English, the word which is often used interchangeably with the restrictive that: She held out the hand which was hurt.


How to Use That vs. which Correctly – Grammarist

That vs. which

That vs. which. That and which are technically interchangeable in many contexts, but there are unwritten rules that tend to guide their use. The two main unwritten rules are: first, if you can use that, it’s usually better than which. Second, when you use which, it should follow a comma. These are not unbreakable rules, though, and exceptions …


Which vs. That (Grammar Rules) – Writer’s Digest
The battle over whether to use which or that is one many people struggle to get right. It’s a popular grammar question and most folks want a quick rule of thumb so they can get it right. Here it is: If the sentence doesn’t need the clause that the word in question is connecting, use which. If it does, use that.


That vs. Which // Purdue Writing Lab
One of the more challenging grammar concepts in the English language is the difference between the words that and which. Both serve a similar purpose, but the meaning of the sentence can change depending on which one you use. The resources below break down the grammar rules associated with that and which and describes when to use each one.


Pronoms relatifs anglais : who, which et that expliqués …

Pronoms relatifs anglais : who, which et that expliqués simplement

La leçon sur les pronoms relatifs anglais est souvent mal comprise par les élèves. De plus, c’est une notion qui peut sembler compliquée, car il y a de nombreux cas et exceptions. Pourtant, lorsqu’on sait les appliquer, leur utilisation devient très naturelle.


Who, Whom, Which, ou Whose ?-anglais
Who, Whom, Which, ou Whose ? Relier des phrases Les pronoms relatifs WHO, WHOM, WHOSE ET WHICH Relier des phrases simples comme c’est cette jeune fille QUI m’a parlé l’autre jour, peut devenir compliqué en anglais si on n’utilise pas les bons pronoms relatifs.Voici quelques petites notes pour vous aider à mieux les différencier:

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