which is correct thinking of you or thinking about you ?
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Thinking of You or Thinking About You: The Difference
14 avr. 2022Think about you often implies to native English speakers and me that rather than thinking about someone momentarily, you’re thinking for a longer period of time. Maybe you are thinking more deeply about someone or something. I think about the weather/politics/love/ money/ travelling/ different cultures/ sports/ the meaning of life.https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/25626/which-preposition-should-i-use-here-thinking-of-or-thinking-abouthttps://english.stackexchange.com/questions/25626/which-preposition-should-i-use-here-thinking-of-or-thinking-about
grammar – Which preposition should I use here: thinking of or …
4 Answers Sorted by: 12 Both are equally acceptable. In some contexts, thinking of might be considered slightly more poetic than thinking about; when sending a note to my sweetie, I’d probably write Thinking of you! instead of Thinking about you!https://tme.net / blog / thinking-about-you-or-thinking-of-youhttps://tme.net / blog / thinking-about-you-or-thinking-of-you
‘Thinking About You’ or ‘Thinking Of You’? – TME.NET
21 oct. 2023Blog ‘Thinking About You’ or ‘Thinking Of You’? October 21, 2023 Mi When it comes to expressing our thoughts and emotions, language plays a crucial role. The choice of words can convey different meanings and intentions, even in seemingly simple phrases like thinking about you and .https://allthedifferences.com/think-of-you-vs-think-about-you-the-differenceshttps://allthedifferences.com/think-of-you-vs-think-about-you-the-differences
Language Insights: ‘Think of You’ vs. ‘Think About You’ – Explained
24 sept. 2023The phrase I’m thinking of you typically refers to a considerate, non-obsessive, friendly, and non-complex feeling. It’s a heartfelt statement. Thinking about you is more pervasive and necessitates actively processing ideas, sentiments, and circumstances pertaining to the person.https://grammarhow.com/think-of-vs-think-abouthttps://grammarhow.com/think-of-vs-think-about
Think Of vs Think About – Here’s The Difference (+14 Examples)
A good rule of thumb is to use think of when referring to the past and think about when it comes to present and future events. 7 Examples Of How To Use Think Of In A Sentence Here are some examples of how to use think of in a sentence: What do you think of when you see this part of town? Were you close to her?https://allthedifferences.com/whats-the-difference-between-think-of-you-and-think-about-youhttps://allthedifferences.com/whats-the-difference-between-think-of-you-and-think-about-you
What’s The Difference Between Think Of You and Think About You …
24 juil. 2023An example of this usage might be: I always think of you when I’m feeling down. Think About You. This phrase typically means that the speaker has actively turned their thoughts to the person being spoken about. For example, someone might say: I’ve been thinking about you and wondering how things have been going for you lately …https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/thinking-of-about-you.570908https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/thinking-of-about-you.570908
thinking of/about you | WordReference Forums
United States/English Jul 5, 2007 #2 I would say so. Thinking about you means that you’re actually thinking thoughts about a person. Thinking of you to me has a couple of meanings. One is more like Something reminded me of you. For example, let’s say your favorite ice cream is strawberry banana swirl.https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/258535/think-about-or-think-ofhttps://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/258535/think-about-or-think-of
Think about or Think of? – English Language Learners Stack Exchange
It’s stated that we use think about when we consider an idea or concentrate on it, and we use think of when an idea comes into our mind. The question is a fill-in question: I don’t really want to go out with Tom tonight. I’ll have to … an excuse .. I think we have to put think about , because we have to …https://www.answers.com/english-language-arts/Which_is_correct_thinking_of_you_or_thinking_about_youhttps://www.answers.com/english-language-arts/Which_is_correct_thinking_of_you_or_thinking_about_you
Which is correct thinking of you or thinking about you?
28 avr. 2022Best Answer Copy Either is correct. Thinking of you is the more common phrase you would see on a greeting card to let someone know that he or she was in your thoughts. It is a bit more…https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/241800/thought-of-vs-thought-about-whats-the-differencehttps://english.stackexchange.com/questions/241800/thought-of-vs-thought-about-whats-the-difference
Thought of vs. thought about. What’s the difference?
What’s the difference? [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 8 years, 8 months ago Modified 8 years, 8 months ago Viewed 97k times 3 This question already has answers here : Difference between think of and think about (4 answers) Closed 8 years ago. What’s the difference between thought of and thought ? lesoutrali bot
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