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Online games with PayPal as payment method

  • Street: street
  • City: forum contact
  • State: United Kingdom
  • Country: Autre
  • Zip/Postal Code: zipcode
  • Listed: 9 mars 2021 22 h 56 min
  • Expires: 13077 jours, 22 hours


Good morning, I am Esmarie Mostert Residing in Pretoria, Gauteng South Africa. I started recently playing online games online on cellphones. PayPal as payment method. Sometimes I have noticed, payment methods will be PayPal and/or Amazon. I am registered with PayPal, so my choice is to go with PayPal BUT, the games have required limits eg. USA $ = $200 Australia $ = $100 For the exact same game. I am going usually for the USA $ option. Now, close towards the limit set, the game starts or is stopping to add credits. This is causing stress because it the game then ever going to reach it’s limit and will payment actually happen? I am SURE PayPal will NEVER attach your Company name and Reputation to online games that does not pay, is not actually doing what they give themselves out for…. Also, I started my account with PayPal many years ago a small commission was paid into this account for a online sale which I did while working with TISSA. I stopped dealings long ago with them. Meanwhile my account remained with PayPal. I just linked the account to FNB. Am I ont the right track with this account because with the online games, I actually plan to earn a income. Will you please assist me with relevant, necessary information. I really will appreciate your advice and involvement/insight. Kindest regards Esmarie Mostert


120 vues au total, 1 aujourd'hui


Listing ID: 1121799375896266

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