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  • Listed: 13 September 2024 0 h 36 min


I know our love is true because I spend more time thinking about what you do, where you are and how you feel than I do about myself.

My love you have always been there for me, when I saw a cloudy sky, you made me see a big blue sky. When I was alone in a deafening silence, you made me hear melodies of love, I love you.

I went to bed thinking of you, I woke up thinking of you and I spent the day with the smile that did not leave my lips thinking of you. I love you and you make me happy!

I love you with all my soul and with all my heart. My heart is always open for you; you are the person who holds the key to my heart. I will never love like I do for you. I truly love you with all my heart and soul..

Since the time I met you, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder and smile all the more, just because I have you, my life is a better place. Every day with you is a wonderful addition to my life’s journey. You are my paradise, and I would be happy to be stuck with you for the rest of my life. Just when I think it is impossible to love you more than I already do, you prove me wrong.

When I saw you, I loved you. When I talked to you, I knew that you would be the only one who could steal my heart and indeed I fell under your spell. I love you and I will love you forever.

Your voice is my favorite sound. So far, every moment we have spent together has been amazing. But I promise you that the best is yet to come. If only you knew how much these little moments with you mean to me.

When the clouds gather and the sky darkens, I know that you are my shelter that protects me from all dangers.

When the clouds gather and the sky darkens, I know that you are my shelter that protects me from all dangers.

Since the day you appeared in my life, you have turned my life upside down. You give me the strength to surpass myself. In a short time, you have made me grow in maturity, you fill me with joy and happiness Yes.

In my life, I have known many people but none have had as much effect on me as you. So through these few words, I would like to tell you that I love you my baby. Always remain this humble, kind, sweet, adorable person that you are and do not change for anything in the world.

Look how you light up my life. Every time I am with you, I smile stupidly, my soul wanders in my body.

Love is something precious in general, but if you had to give it a clearer meaning, what would it be, tell me?

I love what you and I form … I love to love you and I cherish our love, because it is our path to happiness.

My heart is amazed by this love filled with emotion, my only wish is to love you. You are my last thought before sleeping, you are my only pleasure and my joy to smile.

You are my love, you are the person who fascinates me, charms me, enchants me. I love you, that’s all that matters.

I want to whisper sweet words in your ear, and see in your eyes that for you I am the love of your life. There is nothing more precious in this world than the feeling of existing for someone.

I wish to run with you all the paths for the worst and the best to give you back the happiness that I owe you.

I get to know you and I discover how you really are I find you correct and very kind I like your way of speaking to me, I like your kindness you are so fine with me you are respectful and I like talking with you.

Come closer and gently place your ear on my heart, it knocks on the door of your heart, and when the words are slow to come, it answers the fire that burns with a flame in return.

I think that our destinies are similar, our lives are made to be together you and I continue this perfect path without end. I would let myself sink into the madness of our love.

My love, in you I discovered a being that I consider exceptional, a being apart who has finally succeeded in allowing me to be myself and I trust in you, in what we can share and thank you to life for having had the chance to cross your path, thank you for staying on mine.

By your side I would come back to life, I would relearn the definition of certain words such as Trust, Sharing, Sincerity, Love and Fidelity.

When you are there, I revisit unique moments where nothing else matters, and the whole world is hooked on my happiness.

You are truly wonderful and exceptional, I think that only you will make me happy.



I love you, I adore you, I live only for you, through you. I think of you constantly, I love you; time flies so fast when I’m near you. I love you madly, my heart, you are my angel. My heart is yours my sweet, I miss you every hour, every minute, every second.

If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me. If you were a movie, I would watch you again and again. In a sea of ​​people, my eyes always look for you.

You are the love of my life, the one I want to live with and I want to make you happy every day, I would like to live with you, give myself to you, offer you all the loyalty I have, forget everything and leave in deep sincerity.

Every day that passes makes me love you more and I never thought I would feel such great love. It is very difficult to live so far from your darling but we will soon be reunited and that for life.

You must always know how to keep hope because love often arrives when you do not expect it and it is so wonderful to know how to give as well as receive and it is with you that I wish to continue my life.

When you are here in front of me, I live madness, adventure, happiness and hope, and then every moment spent by your side is full of love … I love you, that’s all that matters.

You are a truly wonderful man who truly deserves to be happy with those who know how to appreciate you and especially love you for eternity.

For life I want to be your darling wife to know happiness with you and to offer you everything that is in my heart.

You have been my world since that day my love. I would like to belong to you for eternity.

My life depends on you now, you make me live what I dreamed of and you bring me happiness and you are magical, before you entered my life everything was sad and useless you gave me back the taste for life in a short time.

My love, my life, my soul I am in pain to die, there is only you in my mind and you are the man of my life, it is obvious since I love everything about you and my life has no meaning without you and it is with you that I want to share this life.

I never stop looking at your photo, and I always talk to you, often in silence, and sometimes out loud, whispers of love that come out of my lips by themselves.

My love it took time but I finally met you and I will never stop thanking heaven for putting you on my path.

You are the best thing that happened to me this year and I know that the next one will be even better and I can no longer live without you my love, you have invaded my space, my life which without you will have no meaning.

You know you have given me hope in life thanks to you I believe in love again but then the one with a capital A you are a wonderful and wonderful man.

I know that life with you will be a river love, when it is reciprocally shared, it is the most wonderful of all the feelings in the world it brings hope, joy, cheerfulness, tenderness, complicity, happiness.

Your love is always so immense that I could drown in it. You have completely changed my life

– Love is a disease that is cured by reciprocity

– I want to live in a country where its borders are your arms, its sun your heart, its laws your feelings, its inhabitants are you and me

– If you see one day the smoke coming out of my mouth do not think that I smoke it is just my heart that burns from your absence.

– During my life, I learned to love, to smile, to be happy, to forgive but I never learned to forget you…

– Even if I cry, even if I rage, even if the sky is a storm, I love you… yes I love you my love forever.

– Love is not a feeling, it is a way of life, so only those ready to live can know love.

– Experience shows us that loving is not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction.

– Childhood passes, youth replaces it, old age takes its place and death picks them up but beautiful acquaintances like you remain in front.

– I would like to be the water in your shower I go down and I touch you I caress you and I refresh you and I say good bath darling.

– The perfumes of flowers, the stars of the night and the angels of paradise are all gathered near your bed to say good night to you my darling.

– All the gold of the earth, all the water of the sea, all the suns of the universe, all the sand of the desert. Nothing would be as great as the love I have for you.

I do nothing, my heart is busy loving you. I wish you were only mine.

God said let there be light and there was light, God said let there be night and there was night I said that our love lasts I am not god nor a soothsayer I do not guess what will happen but what I am almost certain is that our love will last.


I will never be able to thank you so much for being so patient and reassuring full of the qualities that you have every day you offer all your love and you offered me the chance to find confidence in myself and I am happy and happy that you entered life. You who are so kind and attentive as I have rarely known fulfilled I am with you you are a wonderful man full of tenderness and caresses and you are my only hope keep me with you because I need you and to be by your side and I think very hard about you. I am proud of all the love you have for me and it is with impatience that I wait to find your arms again my Love and I really miss you too much, I dream of giving you a tender kiss. I would like to be in your arms to be able to tell you quietly that I only love you and I can’t stand being so far from you anymore and I can’t wait for our dreams to become real and our life a great wonder I was alone in the world when I crossed your path, like a sun in the night you illuminated my life and at the first moment you took my hand, my whole being and all my love you conquered my heart. When I am with you and when I think of you, my life becomes more beautiful despite my problems. I am happy and fulfilled to have the chance to love you and share your path. You are a unique person and maybe you are the person who will heal my wounded, broken, empty heart and I lack the words to express my feelings and you will remain, forever engraved in my heart, which confided, through these words, these sentences that will surely give a clearer meaning to my life. You knew how to breathe into my heart the desire, the love, the friendship and the life, my soul could not preserve its tranquility any longer so much without you the world seems to me dull, empty. Empty of meaning, of charm and of color, of passion, of feeling and of ardor. The winter in your arms will be sweet summer and your kisses, and your sweet caresses, nothing can fill me more. Before meeting you I was alone desperate, I buried my heart, because I no longer thought exhausted, I had isolated myself, my soul had lost itself, then with you the passion entered my life, it is raw, it is the ecstasy that gives me an infinite joy, soon we will have the life that we have hoped for, and all our pains will disappear, our cries past. I would like to be a writer to write what I think, a poet to tell you all the love I feel, a singer to sing you the most beautiful love music, a magician to make the most beautiful rose appear to you, a child to hold you in my arms. With you alone I want to experience the greatest thrills like a young lover discovering for the first time, I want to offer myself to you for life, give you all my Love, it’s the only thing I can offer you and I’m only waiting for you, know that for me it’s every night that I desire you endlessly, a desire, a hidden desire, I want to be able to live it finally and even if you think I don’t see what your heart hides, I know it, but I’m just afraid of not being up to it, know that I love you and that I would love you nights and days. I will make you my king, my only and last love, because love with you I want it eternal and magical until our last breath, I want to be the one and only. For one and only man that I love with all my heart. In my head and my heart you create a truce, to my soul you bring calm and comfort, by offering me the sweetest parts of your body and without you love would not have so much ardor, you charm me with your smallest attentions, tirelessly you give me gifts of your great affection. Thanks to you Faith and Hope have reappeared, you make me relive great feelings, between us trust exists, complicity is present, nothing awakens anger, everything is so simple, my love Love is there. I would like to show you how much I love you and you are so important to me to tell you in a way other than words what I feel to make you understand that deep down nothing is more important than you my love, in your eyes I saw the true shards of heaven in your back I saw big wings your soul has revived mine. You are what my heart was missing to beat I would like to write every night to put my love into words but eternity is not long enough and I would miss the words to say everything but for now all I have to offer you is a little warmth and a place in my heart. I love you. You are the air I breathe, the wind that caresses me, the rain that wets me, the sun that warms me, the star that guides me, the moon that lights me, my universe, the rose that I smell, the grass that I touch, the waves that carry me to distant horizons. The sand under my feet leaving footprints at each of your passages and your mouth that desires me, your eyes that smile at me, your hands that touch me, my heart that capsizes and you are my nights and my days,


I dream of living a beautiful love story and why not have our great happiness more if affinity and build a happy serious relationship sincere and adorable You know that my dream is to be close to you to love you to be the man of your life the father of our children to take good care of you to make you very happy Since I am with you my tender and sweet love, I finally live because you give me happiness and warmth to my heart and I am in joy and happiness and a moment without you, is hell, a moment that is like nothing. I love you and so happy that you are the man of my life one day soon I hope with all my heart and that would fill my heart even more, you are my life, my happiness, my breath and my heart beats only for you my angel of my Thanks to you my heart is finally healing in me but always pushed to resent them for the happiness that they prevented me from having, you can not have to what extent you make me rediscover all the corners of the love that I had so unjustly lost and sad you gave me back. Once again I am in the center of Paradise where I can live my life and finally I smile and in me are awakened these uncontrolled shivers of your charm and your sweetness, your sensitivity that make my heart capsize and you are the love that I do not want to let go.

for a long time I thought that my life was finally going to start the real life but there is always an obstacle on the way, a problem that had to be solved first an unfinished theme, a time spent a debt to pay and then life would begin, until I realized that these obstacles were precisely (my life), this perspective helped me understand that there is no path that leads to happiness, happiness is the path ….. so passes each moment that we have, even more when we share this moment with someone special special enough to share our time and we remember that time does not wait …

So we must stop waiting to finish our studies, to increase our salary, to get married, to have children for our children to leave home or simply on Friday evening Sunday morning spring, summer fall or winter to decide that there is no better time than now to be happy (HAPPINESS IS A TRAJECTORY AND NOT A DESTINATION) so it doesn’t take much to be happy, you just have to appreciate every little moment and celebrate it as one of the best moments of your life, time waits for no one.

Do you know that harmony can do everything in a relationship?
Oh yes it’s cool you know the sweetest harmony is the sound of the voice of the one we love because for this person we are ready for anything that’s why love in a couple must be reciprocal because you know love has its instinct, it knows how to find the way to the heart like the weakest insect walks to its flower with an irresistible will the joy of being two hand in hand, following the same path of dreams the heart full of pleasures, no rancor to love and forget the wounds of the past just the magic of harmony, a beautiful life forever……….harmony does not know oblivion its motto always is love.

Lost in the darkness of despair, I saw the glow of your love, guided my heart to happiness. I would like to hear you say “I love you”

I had a sweet dream where you came to find me,
Your mouth so tender came to place a sweet kiss on my lips,
Your hands so perfect caressed my face,
You closed your eyes to ink in your memory my image…
I tenderly took your hand and I placed it on my heart
And I felt the beats that made my whole body vibrate.
Our souls in fusion covered our bodies with sweat
And we abandoned ourselves for a night to our fury…
Your skin was so soft that I could not help but touch it,
Your gaze was so deep that my eyes dazzled by so much beauty
Were lost in the depths in your being so perfect.
I had finally found you my little angel so sought after…
But I knew that you would leave again there…
There, miles away from me…
And all I have left is the screen of my thoughts
To see the image of my little angel so loved…
I love you with all my heart I miss you so much I really dream of finally being close to you my love things are a little difficult on my side but I promise you to make my effort finally to come back as soon as possible my love I miss you too much you know without you my life has no meaning my love I want your luscious lips my love.
I dream of being able to make love to you one day Passionately I am madly in love with you my love you have invaded all my thoughts
Have a sweet and pleasant night don’t forget that your Spanish Macho carries you in his heart for the rest of his days my love
take care of yourself see you tomorrow my treasure big Kisses

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