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Listings tagged with 'donate' (3)


after i refund the donators money, he can’t donate again

a friend donated me with visa on my twitch channel in paypal… so i refund his donations one by one. he is trying to donate […]

133 total views, 0 today


HELP! Social Donate button keeps giving me the 302 redirect and I can’...

https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=WQ4THY9QKTXXN Hey everyone — this is our link that generated for sharing on Social Media, but every time I go to share it… all I […]

145 total views, 0 today


Paypal donate screen showing my account email instead of merchant id

I created a donate button but when I click on it, I see my account email and I would like to show Merchant ID instead […]

159 total views, 0 today