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Listings tagged with 'often' (4)


who said often imitated never duplicated ?

https://www.quora.com › Who-coined-the-phrase-Often-imitated-never-duplicated?share=1https://www.quora.com › Who-coined-the-phrase-Often-imitated-never-duplicated?share=1 Who coined the phrase Often imitated, never duplicated? The phrase often imitated, never duplicated first appeared in 1927 as a […]

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how often does location update on airtag ?

https://www.alphr.com › how-often-does-airtag-update-locationhttps://www.alphr.com › how-often-does-airtag-update-location How Often Does the Apple AirTag Update Location? As for the frequency of location updates, it depends on your AirTag’s […]

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who said vote early and vote often ?

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Vote_early_and_vote_oftenhttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Vote_early_and_vote_often Vote early and vote often – Wikipedia Vote early and vote often is a generally tongue-in-cheek […]

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why do couples fight often ?

https://www.psychologytoday.com › us › blog › think-act-be › 201802 › why-do-couples-fight-and-how-can-they-stophttps://www.psychologytoday.com › us › blog › think-act-be › 201802 › why-do-couples-fight-and-how-can-they-stop Why Do Couples Fight—and […]

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